A camera picker (take photos and videos) for Flutter projects based on WeChat's UI. It's a standalone module of wechat_assets_picker yet it can be run separately.
Pinned issues
- 7
- 3
- 1
[BUG] 拍照后立即拍视频导致拍摄中断
#202 opened - 0
[BUG] 拍照功能的拍摄界面与照片冻结后的尺寸不同
#201 opened - 17
[BUG] Get a black screen when resumed app
#199 opened - 0
#198 opened - 16
- 0
[BUG] 小米手机无法拍摄视频
#195 opened - 1
[BUG] vivo录像卡住了
#194 opened - 10
video record unstable on realme c17
#193 opened - 0
[Feature] Android CameraX support
#192 opened - 0
- 0
[BUG] Error with something
#189 opened - 1
[BUG] Inverted during video preview
#188 opened - 6
[BUG] Stand still when taking pictures
#187 opened - 3
Compile error with flutter 3.13.0
#186 opened - 1
- 4
[BUG] Video recording not work in android
#179 opened - 1
[BUG] 前置摄像头拍照时实时图片和预览时的图片不一致
#177 opened - 0
[BUG] 使用前置摄像头自拍拍照时,实时的图像和预览图像不一致
#176 opened - 0
#175 opened - 2
- 3
- 1
[BUG] goods color not right on vivoIQOO
#172 opened - 0
[BUG] Error with something
#169 opened - 1
- 0
[BUG] Error about quality
#164 opened - 1
[QUESTION] Size of image picked
#163 opened - 6
[BUG] 反复拍照选择图片, IOS内存溢出并闪退
#162 opened - 1
#161 opened - 2
Web Support
#160 opened - 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
how to implement minimumRecordingDuration
#152 opened - 0
Language Is Not Defaulting To English
#151 opened - 4
- 0
[BUG] cameraQuarterTurns problems
#148 opened - 2
android13 进入相机页面初始化失败。
#147 opened - 1
[BUG] Camera crash android 13
#144 opened - 4
Preload photo / video on capture
#143 opened - 3
- 0
- 1
[Feature] Can I just enable the back camera and hide the front and back camera switch on the page?
#138 opened - 1
[BUG] Flash while recording video
#135 opened - 6
[Feature] Multiple Camera handling
#134 opened - 2
- 1
back when pick video
#130 opened - 1
需要提供基于flutter 1.22.6版本的相机对焦功能
#129 opened - 3