A camera picker (take photos and videos) for Flutter projects based on WeChat's UI. It's a standalone module of wechat_assets_picker yet it can be run separately.
Pinned issues
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[BUG] 华为手机,频繁进入/退出拍照界面可能会黑屏
#282 opened by Tindtily - 0
[BUG] Error with something
#281 opened by superman061 - 10
#213 opened by zhangshuqi - 0
[BUG] Error with something
#279 opened by huachang - 1
[BUG] `4.3.3` 版本下使用 `onEntitySaving` 方法无法获取到File
#278 opened by LiWenHui96 - 3
[BUG] [camera_x]: None of the specified AF/AE/AWB MeteringPoints is supported on this camera
#262 opened by victortive - 1
[BUG] 只需要用到拍照,Android 13 时候会检查到video 和audio的权限
#277 opened by chenxin0916 - 6
Preview screen scale error
#275 opened by changewhite - 2
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[BUG] The aspect ratio of video is wrong
#272 opened by kwarnkham - 6
[BUG] The width and height of image captured from camera in Android is not correct
#266 opened by sherlockvn - 2
[Proposal] Replace `camera` to some other packages
#207 opened by AlexV525 - 1
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[BUG] Black preview after 4.2.1 version
#267 opened by shpy2001 - 0
[BUG] in iOS device ,点击切换前置镜头时,需要点击多次才能反转镜头
#270 opened by sunyc1990 - 1
[BUG] in iOS reveser镜头,需要多次才能反转
#269 opened by sunyc1990 - 4
#253 opened by tfn290181662 - 1
[BUG] Implement the "onEntitySaving" method, it will still save to the system album.
#263 opened by githubyaner - 1
[BUG] Click to take a photo, crash and flash back
#265 opened by xiaozhaoPro - 0
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[BUG] Error with something
#260 opened by changewhite - 5
[BUG] Error with something
#259 opened by changewhite - 4
[Feature] camera依赖升级到^0.11.0
#248 opened by lytian - 1
#257 opened by enanso - 3
[BUG] 拍照时旋转屏幕,拍照内容也没有旋转
#210 opened by XutongGithub - 1
[Feature] Request a feature with something
#256 opened by changewhite - 0
[BUG] 出现错误
#245 opened by chengwei88888 - 1
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[BUG] 如果连续拍照,会出问题。
#252 opened by o199666 - 1
[Feature] CameraController的value里面返回录制时长
#247 opened by lytian - 0
[BUG] CameraPickerState.initCameras exception on iOS
#243 opened by gxlj - 5
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[Feature] AspectRatio/Resolution control
#242 opened by blok5025 - 0
[BUG] Error with iPad switching to back camera
#240 opened by VictorUvarov - 4
The selected imageFormatGroup is not supported by iOS. Defaulting to brga8888
#233 opened by hadi7khan - 0
[BUG] Can not disable auto-saved to gallery
#237 opened by doanbh - 6
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java.lang.Throwable:CameraException(setFlashModeFailed, Could not set flash mode.)
#231 opened by Miping-hero - 1
The number of apps taking up storage space on mobile phones has skyrocketed
#229 opened by wangpeitao123 - 2
#228 opened by yoyo89757001 - 1
[BUG]更新flutter sdk 到3.16.3之后,打开图片选择器,图片没有预览
#227 opened by yoyo89757001 - 2
[BUG] The capture orientation is wrong in ios 17.0.3
#225 opened by cj0x39e - 0
iOS 相机拍照时会旋转的问题
#224 opened by Espero1995 - 1
Duplicate onEntitySaving call returned
#222 opened by sydneyagcaoili - 0
[BUG] Record button not recording video
#220 opened by heshesh2010 - 0
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[BUG] When I use the camera to take a picture, after I tap the confirm button, it asked me to authorize the photo library, it's ridiculous. I just want to use camera, no need to save it to my photo library.
#212 opened by Copperfiled - 0
[BUG] camera插件报错,不知升级到最新的版本是否会解决,我看目前使用的是0.10.0
#214 opened by mrchenmo - 0
[BUG] When I use the camera to take a picture, after I tap the confirm button, it asked me to authorize the photo library, it's ridiculous. I just want to use camera, no need to save it to my photo library.
#211 opened by Copperfiled