Remove Logo
dimpleagola opened this issue · 4 comments
dimpleagola commented
Please help,
Remove “Powered by google” from PlaceAutocomplete
LofOWL commented
for what i did is just provide Container(height: 0) to logo,
it works but I don't is it the correct way
IkhwanSI13 commented
for what i did is just provide Container(height: 0) to logo,
it works but I don't is it the correct way
complete with this:
onTap: (p) {
displayPrediction(p, searchScaffoldKey.currentState);
//this part remove the logo
logo: Container(height: 0),
kngrnr commented
Is there any way we can customize the prediction list widget?
ccc-dvansevenant commented
Please help,
Remove “Powered by google” from PlaceAutocomplete
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