Google Places - Google places autocomplete widgets for flutter. No wrapper, use https://pub.dev/packages/google_maps_webservice. Maintainer: @juliansteenbakker
Pinned issues
- 4
New way of getting lat and long?
#170 opened by LeonardoClemente - 1
flutter_google_places ^0.3.0 requires http ^0.13.1.
#231 opened by kisomo - 12
- 1
- 2
package not compatible with http 1.1.0
#230 opened by Eslam0mansour - 5
http plugin updation required
#225 opened by MdFarhanRaja - 5
Because flutter_google_places >=0.3.0 depends on rxdart ^0.26.0 and my proyect depends on rxdart ^0.27.7
#223 opened by fefeswa - 7
bug: error thrown when dialog back button is pressed without entering any text into search bar
#191 opened by Omar-Salem - 8
Connection closed before full header was received, where should I try catch exactly?
#135 opened by Hasankanso - 1
FlutterGooglePlacesSdk::call error: UnimplementedError: initialize() has not been implemented.
#222 opened by Shamalaya - 1
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The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.3.40 and higher.
#205 opened by yigitcevik - 0
Place Results not updated
#212 opened by earlybirdsignals - 3
Update package needed
#213 opened by h1amza - 2
PlacesAutocomplete: [VERBOSE-2:ui_dart_state.cc(198)] Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value
#203 opened by nitin1633 - 1
New versions are not published
#206 opened by ecarlson94 - 17
Not working
#164 opened by bksuser - 12
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Address filtration in autocomplete
#197 opened by votruk - 6
Result don't show on my screen
#159 opened by guijacobus2 - 6
Flutter Web - Can't google place autocomplete to work unless using proxy url.
#174 opened by DavidHCox - 5
XMLHttpRequest error on Flutter web
#163 opened by bibash28 - 3
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Method 'cancel' cannot be called on 'Timer?' because it is potentially null
#180 opened by BaptisteCool - 14
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are there any planning to add rankby in this?
#194 opened by vikivyas - 9
version solving failed
#186 opened by NetFreaker - 1
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update rx_dart version to 0.27.1
#166 opened by prajwal27 - 0
How to grab map plus code?
#179 opened by vbabaria - 5
Google maps webservice error: The argument type 'String' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Uri'.
#152 opened by thealteria - 4
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after pick location throw this
#134 opened by joharputr - 5
Flutter Google Place Search not working after upgrading to Flutter Version 2
#162 opened by basheerbsr79 - 3
Version error
#171 opened by panchalAlpit - 1
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How to access the TextEditingController so as to clear the search field on press of clear button
#168 opened by Shiba-Kar - 5
update to google_api_headers: ^1.0.0
#150 opened by sgehrman - 1
Flutter stable channel issue - Error: The method 'ancestorStateOfType' isn't defined for the class 'BuildContext'.
#161 opened by adam-weissert - 2
Need null safety support
#154 opened by Basher7 - 6
Flutter master branch issue - The method 'ancestorStateOfType' isn't defined for the class 'BuildContext'.
#140 opened by Theunodb - 0
The getter 'isNotEmpty' was called on null.
#158 opened by Adeel-Sultan - 2
Please update to rxdart ^0.26.0!
#153 opened by r0mmen - 2
Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'isNotEmpty' was called on null.
#151 opened by mostafaAbdelazim - 1
Conflict issue with other package....
#142 opened by rmControls - 1