Google Places - Google places autocomplete widgets for flutter. No wrapper, use https://pub.dev/packages/google_maps_webservice. Maintainer: @juliansteenbakker
Pinned issues
- 7
Lost over $300 in GCP billing becoz this package pulls all fields in result, my bad I was unaware
#119 opened by SujaYuga - 19
Flutter Chrome Web
#93 opened by emailsubjekt - 1
Limit query results to Basic Data
#65 opened by KlausJokisuo - 2
- 8
Google Places Pricing Per Session or Per Request
#113 opened by benneynens - 3
- 2
- 4
Example to use this package for flutter web
#120 opened by bytejutsu - 16
- 1
cities name in different language than english?
#114 opened by domizilver - 1
Customize Search Results
#104 opened by jawad12345A - 1
Click on searchbar it was crashing
#103 opened by Pedasingu-Vijay-Krishna - 1
- 1
administrativeArea 1 and 2 doesnt work
#74 opened by SimonHeimer - 1
- 2
- 2
#124 opened by tneagu - 2
Exception has occurred. JsonUnsupportedObjectError (Converting object to an encodable object failed: Instance of 'PlaceDetails')
#75 opened by rajeshzmoke - 1
Search a place near by user's location.
#91 opened by parth22 - 1
Multiple countries?
#73 opened by duzenko - 1
Regions don't seem to work
#112 opened by Pureshores - 10
Error on select place
#115 opened by ErliSoares - 2
Handshake Exception
#123 opened by vishalkevin11 - 1
how to reduce 0.5 delay time?
#90 opened by bhanuka96 - 1
Not all the search location work
#96 opened by ziasultan2 - 13
- 4
Remove Logo
#77 opened by dimpleagola - 2
Unable to get back the results from the api
#132 opened by amitgupta0294 - 1
How can you restrict the Google Places API key?
#131 opened by Flawe - 1
- 8
Types filter shows no results
#88 opened by cedrichansen - 2
Autocomplete not fetching address list on iOS?
#129 opened by manisht92 - 0
- 0
How to set custom position of the overlay?
#128 opened by umerf52 - 2
Not able to get Lat, Lon in result
#126 opened by shubhambansal - 1
Example Build Failed on Android
#117 opened by samueladekunle - 0
Update RxDart to 0.24.0
#110 opened by josh-burton - 0
customize ui part of library
#106 opened by hiashutoshsingh - 1
no class named Prediction
#102 opened by Nisthar - 3
Web compatibility
#83 opened by juanjoserodrigolazaro - 3
pub get failed
#99 opened by rahuldange09 - 6
Old version of rxdart
#94 opened by sanisloandras - 10
[dart] Undefined class 'GoogleMapsPlaces'.
#70 opened by mohammed932 - 2
Too many positional arguments
#85 opened by eliateguhpramono - 4
- 5
App crashes when search prediction is clicked
#69 opened by pratik037 - 3
Search bar crashes after a few moments
#82 opened by TheTallPaul - 0
- 2
Update to rxdart 0.22.0
#66 opened by momsenmeister - 4
'Duration' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Stream<dynamic> Function(String)'
#60 opened by awhitford