Community WebView Plugin - Allows Flutter to communicate with a native WebView.
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Remove references to deprecated v1 Android embedding
#974 opened by reidbaker - 0
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deprecated version for flutter dart version 3
#972 opened by YazadDumasia - 0
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Android webview error
#970 opened by erenincesu10 - 7
flutter_webview_plugin uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding
#930 opened by chandaniBhalala - 0
- 0
- 67
The plugin `flutter_webview_plugin` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding
#921 opened by andre-paraense - 7
- 0
Not able to Import the package
#967 opened by uday-tatamd - 1
Build failed on Android Target SDK 33
#963 opened by Louna-akkad1 - 1
How to set user agent as Microsoft Edge ?
#964 opened by vinaypuranik - 3
- 8
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How to send certificate in the request
#927 opened by mohammedX6 - 8
The plugin `flutter_webview_plugin` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding
#932 opened by arif2k17 - 15
Deprecated version
#940 opened by Brencheva - 3
WARNING: This version of flutter_webview_plugin will break your Android build if it or its dependencies aren't compatible with AndroidX. See https://goo.gl/CP92wY for more information on the problem and how to fix it. This warning prints for all Android build failures. The real root cause of the error may be unrelated.
#954 opened by theappideasankit - 0
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deprecated version
#956 opened by paulobreim - 0
#955 opened by sunshaobei - 2
Microphone is not working in background (IOS)
#925 opened by yaetiya - 3
iOS 15. Plugin doesn't work properly
#936 opened by locskot - 2
#951 opened by suchengdong - 0
Is it possible to load and display Three.js content in Flutter Web Application ?
#952 opened by suryanadiminti99 - 5
flutter_webview_plugin uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding.
#942 opened by vikayo-fincode - 0
Is there anybody use FirebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage with javascript channel ?
#950 opened by bartukaan - 0
使用flutter_webview_plugin dialog侧边划出控件均被webview遮住
#949 opened by 903531306 - 0
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Some links not working properly in IOS 12 pro
#946 opened by rajesh-konki18 - 0
Detect if Webview scroll reach the end
#945 opened by djankey - 2
when FirebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage initialize in main, javaScriptChannel doesn't listen on Android
#939 opened by bartukaan - 7
The plugin `flutter_webview_plugin` is built using an older version of the Android plugin API
#918 opened by vaibhavrock - 7
Android V2 Embedding
#933 opened by weneverknow - 0
[ios] change to throw error if self.webview == nil
#929 opened by ogata-k - 6
The plugin `flutter_webview_plugin` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding.
#926 opened by sukhkmr19 - 11
The plugin `flutter_webview_plugin` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding.
#923 opened by dongorias - 4
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bit.ly url cannot be accessed on IOS
#938 opened by Izudinalqasam - 2
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No getUserMedia (old IOS under 13)
#924 opened by yaetiya - 0
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open default browser
#919 opened by sm2017 - 0
#917 opened by mujia521 - 0
Testing evalJavascript failure
#916 opened by Z6P0 - 0
Facing issue When WebView is Loading adding a code getting from Example.
#915 opened by marslannasr7koncepts