

Primary LanguageDart


Solutions from Codewars on Dart.

8 kyu

Name Codewars Solution
Count Odd Numbers below n Link Link
Count by X Link Link
Convert a Number to a String! Link Link
DNA to RNA Conversion Link Link
Expressions Matter Link Link
Find the smallest integer in the array Link Link
Is it a palindrome? Link Link
Multiply Link Link
Remove String Spaces Link Link
Reverse List Order Link Link
Sentence Smash Link Link
String repeat Link Link
Sum Arrays Link Link
Sum of positive Link Link

7 kyu

Name Codewars Solution
Even numbers in an array Link Link
Factorial Link Link
Get the Middle Character Link Link
Maximum Product Link Link
Mumbling Link Link
Odd or Even? Link Link
Predict your age! Link Link
Row Weights Link Link
Vowel Count Link Link

6 kyu

Name Codewars Solution
Count the smiley faces! Link Link
Counting Duplicates Link Link
Create Phone Number Link Link
Find The Parity Outlier Link Link
Meeting Link Link
Multiples of 3 or 5 Link Link
Sums of Parts Link Link
Valid Braces Link Link

5 kyu

Name Codewars Solution
Convert A Hex String To RGB Link Link