
Go bindings for the Fluxion graph-based scheduler

Primary LanguageGoGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Fluxion Go

Fluxion Go provides the Go bindings for the flux scheduler flux-framework.org/flux-sched that we call "fluxion." You can read more about the project there. In short, you might want to use these bindings if you're interested in integrating the flux scheduler logic (graph-based, hierarchical scheduling) into your Go applications.


Currently, you can build in the Development Container in VSCode and then flux-sched will be installed to /usr and header files (.h) available at /opt/flux-sched. You can build the test suite as follows:

mkdir -p /workspaces/fluxion-go/bin
GOOS=linux CGO_CFLAGS="-I/opt/flux-sched -I/opt/flux-sched/resource/reapi/bindings/c" CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib/flux -L/opt/flux-sched/resource/reapi/bindings -lreapi_cli -lflux-idset -lstdc++ -lczmq -ljansson -lhwloc -lboost_system -lflux-hostlist -lboost_graph -lyaml-cpp" go build -ldflags '-w' -o /workspaces/fluxion-go/bin/test cmd/test/test.go

If you need to customize the flux install prefix or the location (root) of the flux-sched repository (with header files):

FLUX_SCHED_ROOT=/home/path/flux-sched INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local make

Here is how to run tests:

# run all tests
make test

# run binary test (e.g., build main and run)
make test-binary

# run go native tests
make test-modules


In addition to the developer environment, we provide an automated build with the Dockerfile here that will give you a containerized environment with Go, the bindings, and flux-sched. You can pull the repository from our package registry, or build on your own:

docker build -t ghcr.io/flux-framework/fluxion-go .
docker run -it ghcr.io/flux-framework/fluxion-go

Then you can build, and test.

make test

Have fun! 🧞‍♀️️


SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
