
Unity-enabled viewer for your Flux data using WebGL and the Flux SDK

Primary LanguageHTML

Unity-Flux Viewer

User information

The application is available at https://flux-unity.herokuapp.com/

If you have any questions as a user of the website, check the ? button for help. If you have any comments, please email nickm@flux.io. We also encourage creating github issues for bugs you find -- it's fun and it's free!

Developer information

Getting started

Whether you're on mac, windows, or linux, the steps should be the same:

  1. clone this repo
  2. go inside the repo and get flux data selector with git submodule update --init
  3. install node.js
  4. run npm install && npm start inside this directory

More tips

Launching the unity project

Install Unity, then open the "unity-project" folder as a project in unity.

You can edit things inside the unity editor and they will show up in the webgl application after you rebuild the unity files. To rebuild the unity files in the webgl client, select: File > Build settings... and then click "Build." Select the "unity-build-target" folder, replacing the folder 'webgl.' The .ejs templates in views/ will automatically load your new version of the unity project.

Project structure
  • flux-data-selector: this is a submodule from github that implements the flux SDK.
  • node_modules: modules installed by the command npm install
  • public: some static public assets (images, stylesheets, etc.)
  • unity-build-target: when building (command+b) the unity project, build it into this folder, replacing the webgl folder
  • unity-project: open this inside unity3d
  • views: this is where all the html template files live.
Communication between Unity and the browser
    Browser to unity
    SendMessage(gameobject, method, argument) 

    Unity to browser
    Application.ExternalCall(method, argument); 
Logging into the flux sdk on localhost
  1. Click + button
  2. Click 'use your own data'
  3. Click allow
  4. Copy everything starting from #access_token=
  5. Paste into localhost:8091 so it looks like: localhost:8091/#access_token=... (very long url)
  6. It will redirect to flux-unity.herokuapp.com. but go back to localhost:8091
  7. It works!

Project notes

Flux employees: Please find the project notes here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zhflOlrxRYR-xru0biE-voybzLv_zLDCi_2gUcgNGks/edit#heading=h.zg4o77vrpkc4