Clone the repo into some directory (~/rtl-433-openwrt for example)
To get the latest rtl-433 sources change PKG_SOURCE_VERSION in the Makefile
Adding src-link into the feeds.conf has never worked for me so I'm creting a symbolic link manually:
cd package/feeds/packages/ ln -s ../../../../rtl-433-openwrt/utils/rtl-433/ rtl-433
make package/feeds/packages/rtl-433/compile V=99
Create the package in bin/ar71xx/packages/packages/
make package/feeds/packages/rtl-433/install V=99
Copy created ipk package to the router and install it with:
opkg install ./rtl-433*.ipk
It will complain about missing librtlsdr. So install the library from the repository or compile and install it yourself before installing rtl-433 package.
rtl-sdr package could also be compiled or installed from the repository
# Compile and create an ipk package make package/feeds/packages/rtl-sdr/compile V=99 make package/feeds/packages/rtl-sdr/install V=99 # Install from the repository # It will automatically install librtlsdr library opkg update opkg install rtl-sdr