
This is a website that provides customers a locally owned business alternative to products/stores that they are looking to purchase.

Run Locally


  • python (version 3.8.x) & pip
  • node (version 12) & npm

Install Frontend Dependencies

In the /static directory

npm install

Build Frontend Resources

Option 1: Build React to be served by Flask (no browser debugging)

In the /static directory

npm run build

Flask is already configured to serve static files at /build.

App is located at http://localhost:5000

Option 2: Use react-scripts to debug React (browser debugging)

In the /static directory, open another terminal

npm run start

React is located at http://localhost:3000

All api requests are proxied to http://localhost:5000

Setup .env configuration

In the root directory

cp .env.sample .env

Edit .env for your local or remote databases.

Create virtualenv and install dependencies for Flask API

In the root directory

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Start Flask

In the root directory


Flask is located at http://localhost:5000 (try http://localhost:5000/api/time)


Front-end template 'paper-kit-react' by Creative Tim