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Framework to easily implement custom streams

When working with stream wrappers it isn't always easy to maintain a good class architecture nor to be sure to have implemented all required methods.

For most use cases you need to components to write a stream wrapper.

  1. Code that translates the stream URL into a native service URL enriching it with information about the service i.e. flickr://user/photoid could translated to http://farm5.static.flickr.com/userid/photoid.jpg
  2. Code that implements the appropriate methods for the native access. For the above this would be HTTP.

StreamHitching uses a simple yet effective class architecture that allows you separate these two components.

YUML class diagram


Stream_Wrapper_Decorator is the class that can be registered as a stream wrapper upon its configuration.

$sourceFilter = new Stream_SourceFilter_Flickr(array('protocol' => 'flickr')); $sourceFilter = new Stream_SourceFilter_Mock(array( 'protocol' => 'flickr', 'wrapper_class' => 'Stream_Wrapper_ReadOnlyFile_HTTP' )); Stream_Wrapper_Decorator::registerWith($sourceFilter);

This will register the wrapper for flickr:// streams (just an example and not yet existent..) decorating the native HTTP stream.


In your Stream_SourceFilter_XXX you can implement the translation part by implementing the methods decode() and encode() which translate the custom stream URL into the native URL and back.


So far there are only two classes implementing Stream_Wrapper_ReadOnlyFile_Interface.

  • Stream_Wrapper_ReadOnlyFile_HTTP - providing read only access to a file over HTTP
  • Stream_Wrapper_ReadOnlyFile_Local - providing read only access to a file on the local file system

All code is PHPUnit tested!