
Hammerspoon Spoon for using the numpad as an emoji/text macropad

Primary LanguageLua


A Hammerspoon spoon to use your numpad as a macro pad for emoji and text snippets. It's meant to help with responding quickly in chat during livestreams.

Demo Gifs

Assigning emoji to numpad keys:

Pressing numpad keys emits emoji

Another layer of text/emoji with a custom modifier key (0 in this case) and auto-pressing return:

Pressing 0 plus other numpad keys emits emoji-triplets, return key

Assigning a list of text/emoji strings to one key, emitting a random one (but never the same twice in a row:

Pressing 0 and + emits another string each time


Install Hammerspoon as per the instructions in the Setup section on the Hammerspoon website.

Then download the the Spoon, unzip and double-click to install.


In your init.lua (click Hammerspoon's menubar icon, Open Config), load the spoon like this:


You need to configure keys individually. Numpad keys that work are:

"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+", "-", "*", "/", "enter"

The , and numlock keys are not supported at this point.

It's possible to use one numpad key as a modifier key. If the modifier is held when pressing another numpad key, a different (configured) text is sent than without the modifier key, similar to an Alt key.

To use 0 as the modifier key, add:


Config for the actual keys looks like this:

	"thanks! πŸ™<enter>"

This says: Key + emits "πŸ™"" when pressed without the modifier (or if no modifier is defined). With the modifier key held down, it emits "thanks! πŸ™" and the return key is (virtually) pressed, which would send the message in most chat clients.

You can also specify a list of text snippets (with or without <enter>); if such a list is given, the spoon will pick a random text and emit that (but never the same one twice in a row). This would look like this:

		"thanks! πŸ™<enter>",
		"thank you! πŸ™<enter>",
		"thanks! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™<enter>",
		"thank you!<enter>",

You'll have to do this for each key. If you do not specify one key, it keeps it's default function, i.e. if you don't reconfigure enter, it'll work as an enter key.

A complete config is shown below. This will emit emoji like the emoji touchbar or the macOS emoji picker, and three consecutive emoji with an enter keypress if 0 is held down. + acts as a special thank-you key and will send a random thank-you message if pressed while the modifier 0 is held down.


spoon.NumMacroPad:key_layer_shift( "0" )

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "1", 

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "2",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "3", 

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "4",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "5", 

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "6",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "7",
	"πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ<enter>"

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "8",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "9",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "/",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "-",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "*",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "enter",

spoon.NumMacroPad:key_message( "+",
		"thanks! πŸ™<enter>",
		"thank you! πŸ™<enter>",
		"thanks! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™<enter>",
		"thank you!<enter>",

Once you're done, click Hammerspoon's menubar icon again and select Reload config.