
A Minecraft mod for improved Scatha farming on Hypixel Skyblock. Requires Forge for MC 1.8.9

Primary LanguageJava


You can get all versions from the Releases page.
Make sure you download the .jar-file, not the source code!

Friendly reminder to only download mods you trust and only from the original source, make sure you don't get ratted!


UI overlay in the Crystal Hollows

  • pet drop counter
  • worm/scatha kills counter
    • kills in current lobby
    • total kills (requires API key)
  • worm/scatha spawn streak
  • Scatha kills since last pet drop counter
  • time display
    • ingame time
    • time spent in lobby
  • coordinates + view axis
  • progress to bedrock wall

You can use /scathapro setPetDrops <rare> <epic> <legendary> to add pets you dropped before installing the mod to the counter


  • Worm pre-spawn alert
  • Worm spawn alert
    distinguishes between regular worms and scathas
  • Scatha pet drop alert
    shows rarity of dropped pet
  • Bedrock wall alert
  • Modes
    modes play different alert sounds (+ scatha head in overlay changes to show current mode)
    • Normal (vanilla Minecraft sounds)
    • Meme mode
    • Anime mode


Accessible through a button next to the vanilla Minecraft achievements menu button or using /scathapro achievements


  • Normal
  • Secret
    Description obfuscated if not unlocked
    Completely hidden from the list and achievement counters unless unlocked

Main command

Use /scathapro (help) (shortcut: /sp) for a list of commands


The mod automatically creates a backup for the persistent data file (= everything except settings) when you install a new mod version.
You can also manually create backups using /scathapro backup.

Scatha pet chances command

/scathachances [magic find] [pet luck] [scatha kills] (shortcut: /scacha ...)
If no arguments are entered, shows the base chances, otherwise calculates the specific drop chances with looting read from the held weapon.
When a kills value is entered, calculates the chances for dropping at least 1 pet after x kills

Settings GUI

Accessible either via a button in the "Options" menu, or using /scathapro settings

All settings:

  • API key
  • alert volume
  • Overlay:
    • enable/disable
    • scale
    • position
  • worm pre-spawn alert
  • worm alert
  • scatha alert
  • bedrock wall alert
  • scatha pet drop alert
  • mode
  • show rotation angles
  • chat copy button

Display rotation angles

(disabled by default)
Shows the pitch and yaw next to the crosshair

Chat copy button

(disabled by default)
Adds a clickable icon behind all chat messages that copies their contents into the chat input field