
Tiny 9KB CLI Tool to turn your website into a link shortening service for your own URLs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Simple Node.js CLI Utility to create redirecting shortlinks on your own website.


Install using npm or yarn:

npm install -g shortlinker 
yarn global add shortlinker

Then run it:

shortlinker https://github.com/flxwu/shortlinker GH-Link

will create a GH-Link.html file in your current directory that redirects to https://github.com/flxwu/shortlinker.

CLI Options

Output Directory

Use -D to specify the directory in which the redirect-file will be put into:

shortlinker https://github.com/flxwu/shortlinker GH-Link -D code/flxwu.github.io/links/

Given the website root is flxwu.github.io, I can now access the shortlink via flxwu.github.io/links/GH-Link.html.

Version Control

Use -G to enable automatic version control commit and push:

shortlinker https://github.com/flxwu/shortlinker GH-Link -D code/flxwu.github.io/links/ -G

shortlinker now creates the same shortlink as above, but also commits the new file and pushes it to the remote repository.