
A WebGL BVH file viewer created using the three.js library.

Primary LanguagePHP

This is a BVH Motion Capture Data file viewer written in JavaScript (using WebGL and specifically the three.js library). See a demonstration at: https://fling.seas.upenn.edu/~emretan/cgi-bin/bvhlist.html .


  • Supports any rotation order in the file.
  • Supports 3 and 6 channels.
  • Can pause, replay or play forward or back frame by frame.
  • Can scale the whole world up/down.
  • Can scale just the bones up/down.
  • Automatically detects if the bone sizes in the BVH file are too little, and scales them up before starting the animation.
  • Can change the up vector to +/-X, +/-Y, +/-Z.
  • Displays a ghost image of the body every 100 frames, to see the trace of the movement. Can toggle it on or off.
  • Automatically sets the up vector of the model before starting the animation depending on the orientation of its bounding box.
  • Automatically changes the camera position before starting the animation depending on the up vector.
  • Can move the camera around the world.

Past Bugs:

  • After replaying multiple times, the animation becomes faster. (Fixed)
  • Doesn't currently work if there are more than 3 channels for all joints other than the root. (Fixed)
  • Might want to link up scaling to sliders.
  • The grid doesn't change orientation when you change the up vector --> might make the interface more usable and friendly. (Fixed)

To Do:

  • Frame by frame playing -->Works going forward, need to implement going back frames +
  • Set the scene automatically -- detect bounding box and adjust the up vector and scale according to that --> (Fixed)
  • Going backwards frame by frame -> very small bug (Fixed)
  • starting perspective more user-friendly (Done)
  • responsive layout (Done)
  • buttons on the side (Done)
  • icons for play/pause (Done)
  • automatically scale bones (keep track of max bone size, if below certain amount scale bones up) (Done)
  • Bone scaling doesn't scale ghosts

Increase Performance:

  • Trace toggle button could be more efficient --> (Done)

New To Do:

Fix weird orientations (Done) Fix fast replay issue (Done) 6 channel BVH file issue (Done) Switch to updated three.js version (Done) Can play back and forth with 6 channels (Done) Switched to trackballcontrols (Done) Switched materials (Done) Switched from vertices to vectors (Done) opacity of materials (Done) limb orientation (Done)