
Customized alertView / loadingView for replacing UIAlertView. This component is part of iPhone application DouDouYou兜兜友 (http://ddy.me), which is available on http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dou-dou-you/id379405145?mt=8.


Customized alertView / loadingView for replacing UIAlertView. Support display queue, you will never miss any alert/loading view. This component is part of the most popular social network in China, DouDouYou兜兜友 (http://ddy.me), which is available download at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dou-dou-you/id379405145?mt=8.

How to use

  1. import XYAlertViewHeader.h in your prefix file.
  2. invoke XYShowAlert(@"Hello!") anywhere in your code to popup the alert view.


  • complete way to create a customized alert view with block.

// create an alertView
XYAlertView *alertView = [XYAlertView alertViewWithTitle:@"Hello!"
                                                 message:@"This's the single alert view demo!"
                                                 buttons:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Ok", @"Cancel", nil]
                                            afterDismiss:^(int buttonIndex) {
                                                NSLog(@"button index: %d pressed!", buttonIndex);

// set the second button as gray style
[alertView setButtonStyle:XYButtonStyleGray atIndex:1];

// display
[alertView show];
  • show a loading view and dismiss after 5 seconds

// create a loading view
XYLoadingView *loadingView = [XYLoadingView loadingViewWithMessage:@"Loading will complete in 5 seconds..."];

// display
[loadingView show];

// dismiss loading view with popup message after 5 seconds
[loadingView performSelector:@selector(dismissWithMessage:) withObject:@"The message comes out once loading view gone." afterDelay:5];
  • also you can popup more than one alert view in single call, them will come out one by one without any missing

XYShowAlert(@"Hello! This is the first alertView");
XYShowAlert(@"I'm second one.");
XYShowAlert(@"I'm the last one");

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