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Refer to the release on the right to download the stable KPZ for your version needs.

IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTE: When upgrading any version after 20.05002, be sure to go into configure and save the configuration even if values are already present so that templates will generate new javascript properly.

Release 21.11-Stable is valid only for 21.11.05+ and 22.05

Release 21.05-Stable is valid only for 21.05

Release 20.11-Stable is valid only for 20.11

Release 20.05-Stable is valid only for 20.05

Release 19.11-Stable is valid only for 19.11

Release 1905-Stable is valid for 17.05-19.05

use the branch:KohaV16.11x for Koha 16.11x (depricated)

user branch:Koha-v3.22.1x-to-Koha-v16.05.0x for Koha3.22.1 to Koha v16.05 (depricated)

user branch:Koha-v3.16.x-to-Koha-v3.22.0x for Koha3.16 to Koha v3.22 (depricated)

use the branch:KohaV3.14x for Koha 3.14x (depricated)

use the branch:KohaV3.12x for Koha 3.12x (depricated)

minimum Koha version required is Koha 3.12 with plugins enabled

Installation Guide: https://github.com/ebsco/edsapi-koha-plugin/wiki

Quick Installation Steps

Download the package file EDS_Plugin_xx.kpz

Login to Koha Admin and go to the plugin screen

Upload Plugin

Click on Configure and complete the form. Contact support@ebsco.com for field values.

Click Load settings from EBSCOAdmin. Wait for the page to refresh. You might have to click Update Info twice if it initiating connection takes time the first time.

Video Presentations

KohaCon18 | Presentation | Video Recording


KohaCon17 | Presentation | Video Recording


KohaCon16 | Presentation | Video Recording


KohaCon14 | Presentation | Video Recording


Quick Links

Wiki: https://github.com/ebsco/edsapi-koha-plugin/wiki/001.-Home



OpenAthens plugin: https://github.com/ebsco/openathens-koha-plugin