
EGIL SCIM server

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Windermere is an open source SCIM server for the EGIL profile of SS12000:2018.

It is built to make it easy to quickly get started with EGIL as a service provider.

Quick start

Before getting started you need a few things:

  • A host with the Go compiler installed (v1.16 or later)
  • URL and public keys to the authentication federation
  • A certificate to use in PEM format
  • A configuration file for Windermere

You can find the URL and public keys for Moa (previously Kontosynk) at Kontosynk

A certificate can be generated with OpenSSL, for instance:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 365 -nodes

Put the certificates and keys file in a new directory, and create a Windermere config file, for instance named config.yaml.

You can start with the following example:

# Configuration of the authentication federation and metadata
MetadataURL: https://fed.skolfederation.se/trial/md/kontosynk.jws
JWKSPath: /home/joe/windermere/jwks.trial
MetadataCachePath: /home/joe/windermere/metadata-cache.json

# Information to be published about this server in the
# federation metadata.
MetadataEntityID: https://egil.serviceprovider.com
MetadataBaseURI: https://egil.serviceprovider.com
MetadataOrganization: Service Provider Ltd.
MetadataOrganizationID: SE1234567890

# HTTP server settings
Cert: /home/joe/windermere/cert.pem
Key: /home/joe/windermere/key.pem
ListenAddress: :443

# Rate limiting
EnableLimiting: true
LimitRequestsPerSecond: 20
LimitBurst: 20

# Storage backend
StorageType: sqlite
StorageSource: storage.db

Replace path names, and information about your organization as appropriate.

The StorageType specifies which SQL driver to use. Currently included drivers are:

  • sqlite (SQLite)
  • sqlserver (Microsoft SQL Server)
  • mysql (MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, Google CloudSQL or Sphinx)

Depending on which driver is used, the StorageSource has a different format for specifying access to the database. For SQLite you can simply specify a filename.

Example for SQL Server:


Example for MySQL/MariaDB:


multiStatements=true is currently needed for this driver (other drivers allow this by default).


To build Windermere, go into the directory cmd/windermere and run go build, this should give you an executable named windermere in the same directory.


Go to the directory where you have the certificates and windermere configuration and run windermere, for instance:

$ windermere config.yaml

Specify the full path to the binary unless you've added it to your $PATH.

Metadata to upload to the federation operator

Before clients can connect to the server you need to upload your metadata to the federation operator (Moa). Windermere can generate your metadata for you, but you need to activate the administration HTTP interface.

Administration HTTP interface

You can activate the administration interface by specifying the AdminListenAddress parameter in the configuration file, for instance:


⚠️ Please note: the administration interface has no authentication and is not meant to be publicly exposed. Make sure the address cannot be reached except by your own staff.

Currently the administration interface only implements two end-points:

  • Metadata (/metadata)
  • Debug tools (/debug/pprof)

You can download the metadata with your web browser, or for instance with curl:

curl -k

The administration interface uses the same certificate as the EGIL SCIM server (hence the need for -k above in case the certificate is self signed).

Access log

If you want to log all (authenticated) requests to the server you can specify a path to an access log file, for instance:

AccessLogPath: /home/windermere/access.log

The access log will show who made the request (ip and federation entity id), what URL was requested, result code and execution time for each request.

⚠️ Please note: the access log can grow quickly since each request is logged, so if you want to have it switched on permanently in production you may need to set up frequent log rotation (for instance with the standard Unix logrotate tool).

Skolsynk (or other client with API-key authentication)

If you wish to allow Skolsynk to connect you need to configure a separate listening address, for instance:

SkolsynkListenAddress: :4430

If you wish you can configure which HTTP header to use for authentication key:

SkolsynkAuthHeader: X-API-Key

The default, if you don't configure this, is X-API-Key.

Then you also need to create API keys for your clients:

  - name: skolsynkGoogle
    key: HfACARee4G3qrtBx
  - name: skolsynkMicrosoft
    key: fjEGgDnDBAaBh4rN

What you specify after name will be used as the tenant name in the database (similar to entity ID if you're using Federated TLS (Moa)). You should generate the key yourself and hand it over to Skolsynk in a secure way.

By default, the same certificate will be used for the HTTPS traffic for Skolsynk, but if you wish you can specify a separate certificate also:

SkolsynkCert: /home/windermere/skolsynkcert.pem
SkolsynkKey: /home/windermere/skolsynkkey.pem

You can choose to run only Federated TLS (Moa), only Skolsynk, or both at the same time (by configuring ListenAddress and/or SkolsynkListenAddress).