
🍒Build, Release, and More!

Primary LanguageGoISC LicenseISC

Build Status Go Report Card Test Coverage Maintainability


Cherry is an experimental tool and it is WORK-IN-PROGRESS.

Cherry is an opinionated tool for buidling and releasing applications. Currently, Cherry only supports Go for building and GitHub repositories for releasing.

For Go applications, Cherry supports cross-compiling and injecting metadata into the binaries.

For releasing, Cherry supports text files (VERSION) and JSON files (package.json).


You need to have the following tools installed and ready.

For releasing GitHub repository you need a personal access token with admin access to your repo.

Quick Start


curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flybits/cherry/master/scripts/install.sh | sh


The docker image for Cherry includes all the required tools and is accessible at flybits/cherry.


You can take a look at examples to see how you can use and configure Cherry.


You can run cherry or cherry -help to see the list of available commands. For each command you can then use -help flag too see the help text for the command.


cherry build will compile your binary and injects the build information into the version package. cherry build -cross-compile will build the binaries for all supported platforms.


cherry release can be used for releasing a GitHub repository. You can use -patch, -minor, or -major flags to release at different levels. You can also use -comment flag to include a description for your release.

CHERRY_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable should be set to a personal access token with admin permission to your repo.


cherry update will update Cherry to the latest version. It downloads the latest release for your system from GitHub and replaces the local binary.


Command Description
make build Build the binary locally
make build-all Build the binary locally for all supported platforms
make test Run the unit tests
make test-short Run the unit tests using -short flag
make coverage Run the unit tests with coverage report
make docker Build Docker image
make push Push built image to registry
make save-docker Save built image to disk
make load-docker Load saved image from disk