
Model is a simple, lightweight and easy-to-use Domain Driven Entity framework.

Primary LanguagePHP



Model is a simple, lightweight and easy-to-use Domain Driven Entity framework written using PHP 5.4.x in mind.


Because you want your models to be defined by your business requirements not database requirements. You also want control over how backends are used to access data whether it be Zend, Doctrine, Propel or simply just PDO or MongoDB. It even leaves you free to use other data sources and libraries; there's really no strings attached.

Theory of Abstraction

Since you are not tied to a specific backend, you are free to choose how you structure your entities and repositories without basing it on how it will be stored or retrieved. When you structure your entities, you should think solely about how you will be using them from a domain perspective not how it will be stored in the backend. Mappers can be used to import and export between backends and business entities.


To create an entity, all you really have to do is extend the base entity class:


namespace Model\Entity;

class Content extends Entity


Entities allow you to specify an init() method for you to place code that sets up the entity or you can use annotations via PHPDoc tags to tell the entity how you want it to be set up.

Value Objects

Value objects are used to define properties. By default, a range of value objects are provided under the Model\Vo namespace but you can also create your own by implementing Model\Vo\VoInterface or extending either Model\Vo\VoAbstract or Model\Vo\Generic. For most cases, simply extending the Generic value object and overriding any methods you need to will suffice. It extends the VoAbstract value object and provides validation facilities on top of your standard setting, getting, checking and removing.

You can apply a value object to an entity 2 different ways. First, you can simply use the setVo method most-likely in your init() method.

public function init()
    $this->setVo('name', new Model\Vo\Generic);

Secondly, and probably more commonly, you can apply a value object by annotating the property you want it to act as.

 * @var Model\Vo\Generic
public $name = 'Default Value';

If doing it this way, you must make the property public. This way, it can be unset and the magic methods can take over using the value object. The default value given becomes the initial value for the value object.

Some Value objects require arguments passed to them. If this does not need to be dynamic, you can specify them in the annotation. Specify them just as you would an argument list to a method.

 * @var Model\Vo\VoSet 'Model\Vo\Date', ['format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s']
public $updated = 'now';


Value is cast and maintained as a boolean value. All falsy or truthy values are converetd to false and true, respectively.


Value is passed into and manipulated using a DateTime object. The constructor accepts a configuration object so that you can configure the output format and timezone if you want.

$entity->setVo('updated', new Model\Vo\Date([
    'format'   => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
    'timezone' => 'Australia/Sydney'

$entity->date = 'yesterday 1 hour ago';

// 2012-10-12 16:10:55


Expects an array of values to restrict the value being set to.

$entity->setVo('gender', new Model\Vo\Enum([

$entity->gender = 'male';


Expects an array of values to restrict the incoming array to.

$entity->setVo('guitars', new Model\Vo\EnumSet([

$entity->guitars = ['Ibanez', 'Parker'];


Allows an arbitrary callable to be used to filter a value before it is set.

$entity->setVo('forename', new Model\Vo\Filter(function($forename) {
    return ucfirst($forename);

$entity->forename = 'trey';

// Trey


Casts any value to a floating point number.


A basic VO that passes through any value. Generall this is used to


Allows a one-to-many relationship to a given entity set of other entities.

$entity->setVo('hobbies', new Model\Vo\HasMany('Moden\Entity\Hobby'));

$entity->hobbies = [[
    'name' => 'Music',
    'type' => 'art'
], [
    'name' => 'Golf',
    'type' => 'sport'

// Music


Allows a one-to-one relationship to another entity.

$entity->setVo('address', new Model\Vo\HasOne('Model\Entity\Address'));

$entity->address = [
    'number'   => '1',
    'street'   => 'Ice Street',
    'city'     => 'Presenton',
    'country'  => 'North Pole',
    'postcode' => '12345'

// North Pole


Ensures the value is an integer.


Value is cast as a string and number_format() is used to format the string to 2 decimal places.


Represents a set, or array, of arbitrary values.


Ensures the passed value is always a string.


Extends the generic value object and initialises the value to a unique string.


Represents an array of value objects. For example, you may want an array of date objects.

$entity->setVo('edits', new Model\Vo\VoSet('Model\Vo\Date', [
    'format'   => 'd/M/Y',
    'timeozne' => 'Australia/Sydney'


Mappers are used to translate information going into or out of your entities much like DTO's. For example, your content entity may have many fields, but your fields are sub-objects of your content entity. When you go to store this information, you need to somehow format the information so that it can be easily inserted into a database.


namespace Model\Mapper\Content;
use DateTime;

class ToDb extends Mapper
    public $move = [
        'id'          => 'content.id',
        'title'       => 'content.title',
        'description' => 'content.description',
        'created'     => 'content.created',
        'updated'     => 'content.updated',
        'id'          => 'fields.$.id'
    public $filters = [
        'content.created' => 'filterDate',
        'content.updated' => 'filterDate'
    public function filterDate($date)
        return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date));

Mappers can be applied to an entity in the init() method or by using annotations applied at the class doc comment level.

$this->setMapper('toDb', new Model\Mapper\ToDb);


 * @mapper toDb Model\Mapper\ToDb
class MyEntity extends Model\Entity\Entity



Validators are used to validate the state of an entity. The only requirement for a validator is that it is_callable(). There are two types of ways to validate your entities. You can either attach a validator to the entity itself or directly to a value object.

Attaching them to your entities are handy when you need to validate the entity's state based on different property values. You may have one value that depends on another.

$entity->addValidator('That's malarkey! The content ":title" cannot be created before it is updated.', function($entity) {
    return $entity->created <= $entity->updated;

You can also use the @validator tag to apply it to an entity

 * @validator Model\Validator\EnsureCreatedIsBeforeUpdated The content ":title" cannot be created before it is updated.
class Content extends Model\Entity\Entity


Attaching them to your value objects are great for when you are doing very specific validation on a type of value like whether or not the created date is a valid date.

$entity->getVo('title')->addValidator('":title" is an invalid content title.', function($vo) {
    return (new Zend\Validator\Alnum)->isValid($vo->get());

Or you can use annotations:

 * @var Model\Vo\String
 * @validator Zend\Validator\NotEmpty The user's name must not be empty.
public $name;

When using annotations for properties, you must ensure that the @var value object definition tag is placed before the @validator tag or the configurator for validator will complain because it needs the value object in order to apply validators to.

Validators allow anything that is callable. Additionally, when using annotations, you can pass a class name, function name as well as a Zend Framework 1.x and 2.x validator class names.

Behaviors via Traits

You'll notice the use of the Timestampable trait. This trait is not included in the library, however, it exemplifies how you can use traits to mix functionality into your entities. We assume the trait has the following definition:


namespace Model\Behavior;

trait Timestampable
     * @var Model\Vo\Datetime
     * @validator Zend\Validator\Date The created date ":created" is not valid.
    public $created;
     * @var Model\Vo\Datetime
     * @validator Zend\Validator\Date The last updated date ":updated" is not valid.
    public $updated;


As described earlier, relationships are defined using the HasOne and HasMany value objects:


namespace Model\Entity;

class Content extends Entity
     * @var Model\Vo\HasOne 'Model\Entity\Content\User'
    public $user;
     * The the past modifications of the entity.
     * @var Model\Vo\HasMany 'Model\Entity\Content\Modification'
    public $modifications;

By adding relationships, you ensure that if the specified property is set or accessed, that it is an instance of the specified class.


use Entity\Content;

$entity = new Content;

// instance of Model\Entity\Content\User
$user = $entity->user;

// instance of Model\EntitySet containing instances of Model\Entity\Content\Modification
$modifications = $entity->modifications;

This means that if you set an array to one of these properties, it will ensure that an instance of the specified relationship is instantiated and filled with the specified array data.

$entity->user = array('name' => 'Me');

And you can even pass any traversable item:

$user       = new stdClass;
$user->name = 'Me';

// applying a stdClass
$entity->user = $user;

// entity sets work the same way
$entity->modifications = array(
    array('name' => 'Me'),
    new stdClass,

Validating an Entity

When it comes time to validate your entity, you have two options. First, you can simply validate the entity and get it's error messages.

if ($errors = $entity->validate()) {
    // do some error handling

However, when your root entity is not valid, you'll most likely want to halt execution and catch it somewhere. The assert() method allows you to do just that.

// validate and throw an exception if it's not valid
$entity->assert('Some errors occured.', 1000);

Asserting will throw a special type of exception which is an isntance of Model\Validator\ValidatorException. This exception class allows you to get each error message that was caught during the entire validation of the entity. This includes all entity validators and value object validators of the root entity and all child entities.

This allows you to catch that somewhere in your code.

use Model\Validator\ValidatorException;
use Exception;

try {
    // do something like dispatch your application
} catch (ValidatorException $e) {
    // handle validation errors
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // fatal exception

You can handle that any way you want using the methods in the exception:


use Model\Validator\ValidatorException;

// allows a main message
$exception = new ValidatorException('The following errors happened:');

// allows you to add messages
$exception->addMessage('my first message');
    'my second message',
    'my third message'

// implements IteratorAggregate
foreach ($exception as $message) {

// The following errors happened:
// - my first message
// - my second message
// - my third message
// [stack trace goes here]
echo $exception;

// or you can just throw it
throw $exception;


Authoring repositories is fairly straight forward:


namespace Model\Repository;
use Model\Entity;

class Content
    public function getById($id)
    public function getByTitle($title)
    public function save(Entity\Content $content)


Caching is automated on repository methods. The method name and arguments are used to generate a unique key that is used to publish the return value to a backend of your choice. The next time the method is called, it is pulled from cache, given its lifetime hasn't expired and then returned instead of running the method again.

In order for the caching process to be automated, we must proxy methods through __call(). This means that methods must be marked as protected.

Multiple different backends are supllied under the Model\Cache namespace.


Probably the most popular option and easy to use. The PHP Memcache PECL extension is used under the hood, so make sure you have it installed.

$entity->setCacheDriver('Memcache', new Model\Cache\Memcache([
    'servers' => [[
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'port' => 11211


MongoDB has been gaining a lot of popularity. It's speed being on-par with memcache and it's flexible structure make it a very good solution for caching. The PHP Mongo PECL extension is used.

$entity->setCacheDriver('Mongo', new Model\Cache\Mongo([
    'db'         => 'cache',
    'collection' => 'cache',
    'dsn'        => null,
    'lifetime'   => null,
    'options'    => []


The PHP cache driver simply stores the value in memory for the current script's lifecycle. Currently the lifetime value is ignored.

$entity->setCacheDriver('PHP', new Model\Cache\Php);

In the examples, cache drivers are applied to entities and given a name inside of the init() method. These drivers can now be referenced from other repository methods using annotations. The annotations are given a fluid syntax just as if you were writing a sentence.

 * @cache Using Memcache for 1 hour.
protected function getById($id)


That would tell the repository, store that result in Memcache for 1 hour. Afte an hour, the method would be executed again and the cycle would continue.

If you want to store an item in cache for ever, you just omit the part about lifetime.

 * @cache Using PHP.
protected function getById($id)


You can combine these also using the Chain driver.

$chain = new Model\Cache\Chain;
$chain->add(new Model\Cache\Php);
$chain->add(new Model\Cache\Memcache);
$entity->setCacheDriver('Php and Memcache', $chain);

Drivers are used in the order in which they are applied, so this would look first in PHP then in Memcache for the result. When persisting to cache, it is also persisted to all drivers in this order.

You would then use this in the same way as before.

 * @cache Using PHP and Memcache for 1 hour.
protected function getById($id)



One harsh reality we have to deal with as PHP developers is ORMs, while aplenty, are inherently slow. If you are managing large datasets (1000+ entities), you should be careful how you use them if you are expecting a performant result. People go on about performance between Propel, Doctrine, etcetera. You can be as nitpicky as you want, but the performance between all of the tools out there won't make a difference if you are lazy and don't property architect your solution.


Care has been taken in annotations to do as little parsing as necessary. Doc comments on any one class or method are usually only parsed once and the information necessary to configure that entity or repository is kept in memory for the next time we have to configure an entity or repository of the same type.

Real-time annotations are successfully being used in production with little to no performance side-effects. Of course, if you want to do one of those silly benchmarks, go for it.


Caching can be very useful. Sometimes it is genuinely necessary and sometimes it is just a bandaid for bad design. Use at your own discretion.

Background Processes

If you are running CRUD operations on large data sets, it may be a sound idea to run a background process or use a job queue to handle it. This means that you can return a result to the user very quickly while still performing operations on large amounts of data without sacrificing the convenience of an ORM. Let's face it, ORMs are convenient and can really help you manage your code. Why should we sacrifice that if we can help it?

Dealing with Less Data

In a lot of cases, we are just doing it wrong. We don't need to display 1000 items to the user all at once or update 1000 records while they wait. A lot of times the programmer is the problem, not the tool.