
pybashy spec without Flask-SQLAlchemy implementation for a more silent, smaller operative executable

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


framework for leveraging python to run sets of shell commands for specific tasks. 

Monolithic file is the most complete, seems to have morphed into a json input and things have streamlined, my workflow is wonky

Right now, this is more of a spec for me to follow and will change until the first release

Only one set of commands can be at the top level of a file (now in JSON!)

  • Command Sets are stored as dicts in seperate files and loaded dynamically.
  • Multiple sets can be placed in thier own unique functions
  • functions MUST START with "function"
  • Classes not allowed as implied inheritance isnt working yet

you import modules with :

new_command = CommandRunner()

All functions become thier own CommandSet()

>>> isinstance(new_command, CommandSet())
>>> True
  • from "steps" to "failure_message" is considered a CommandSet()
  • All "steps" are turned into Command() 's

All CommandSet() are added to ExecutionPool()

to run either a whole CommandSet(), or singular Command(), or function inside a Command() in the execution pool, you use the:

 exec_pool = ExecutionPool()
 exec_pool.worker_bee(CommandSet().__name__ , function_or_Command_name : optional_str)

For example

finished_command = exec_pool.worker_bee(new_command.__name__ , "function_test_function1")

This would run the entire module, assuming the module was coded to perform that way.

finished_command = new_command.worker_bee(new_command , new_command.__name__)

Example loader.py code:

exec_pool   = ExecutionPool()

# run function
finished_command = exec_pool.worker_bee('commandtest' , "function_test_function1")
# run the top level dict "steps" from imported module
finished_command = exec_pool.worker_bee('commandtest' , new_command.__name__)

Every command is .. json.. ugh:

'ls_etc' : { "command" : "ls -la /etc", "info_message" : "[+] Info Text", "success_message" : "[+] Command Sucessful", "failure_message" : "[-] ls -la Failed! Check the logfile!" }

Fields are as follows:
  - Name of Command : 		key
      - Command 		value[0]
      - Informational message	value[1]
      - Success message		value[2]
      - Failure message		value[3]

Multiple commands can be placed in a ... json whatever... that are run sequentially:

steps = { 'ls_etc' : { "command" : "ls -la /etc" , "info_message" : "[+] Info Text", "success_message" : "[+] Command Sucessful", "failure_message" : "[-] ls -la Failed! Check the logfile!" }, 'ls_home' : { "command" : "ls -la ~/" , "info_message" : "[+] Info Text" , "success_message" : "[+] Command Sucessful", "failure_message" : "[-] ls -la Failed! Check the logfile!" } }

Basic structure of an extension/script is as thus

steps = { 'ls_user' : ["ls -la ~/", "[+] Command Sucessful", "[-]  Command Failed! Check the logfile!"],
      'ls_root' : ["ls -la /", "[+] Command Sucessful!", "[-]  Command Failed! Check the logfile!"],
      'ls_etc'  : ["ls -la /etc", "[+] Command Sucessful", "[-] ls -la Failed! Check the logfile!"]
info_message = "[+] Informational Text!"
success_message = "[+] Test Sucessful!"
failure_message = "[-] Test Failure!"

def function_test_function1(params):
  steps = { 'ls_user' : ["ls -la ~/", "[+] Command Sucessful", "[-]  Command Failed! Check the logfile!"],
	'ls_root' : ["ls -la /", "[+] Command Sucessful!", "[-]  Command Failed! Check the logfile!"],
	'ls_etc'  : ["ls -la /etc", "[+] Command Sucessful", "[-] ls -la Failed! Check the logfile!"]
  info_message    = "[+] Informational Text!"
  success_message = "[+] Test Sucessful!"
  failure_message = "[-] Test Failure!"

Obvoiusly you can perform str.format(thing) on the commands, provided they are formatted properly for os.popen() Thereby allowing you to perform complex shell scripting through a pythonic interface. I suggest you use bpython with it Until I manage to incorporate that environment

TADAAA! version 0.99-alpha is ready for not-release! lookit mee! Lets get the exec pool working!

moop@devboxen:~/Desktop/pybashy-master/pybashy/pybashy$ bpython bpython version 0.21 on top of Python 3.7.3 /usr/bin/python3

import pybashy_monilithic ============================== -----[+] BEGINNING TEST! ----- ============================== [+] Adding command_dict to FunctionSet() [+] Adding command_dict to ModuleSet() [+] Adding FunctionSet() to ModuleSet() INTERNAL: ModuleSet().add_function(FunctionSet())

[+] Adding ModuleSet() to ExecutionPool() [+] Adding command_dict to FunctionSet() [+] Adding command_dict to ModuleSet() [+] Adding FunctionSet() to ModuleSet() INTERNAL: ModuleSet().add_function(FunctionSet())

[+] Adding ModuleSet() to ExecutionPool()

from pybashy_monilithic import *

type(exec_pool.test1) <class 'pybashy_monilithic.ModuleSet'> type(exec_pool.test1.ls_etc) <class 'pybashy_monilithic.Command'>