
Server - Client setup

Primary LanguageC++

Downloading Server Code


for complete repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/DarthVeder/server.git

for only branch branch version:

$ git clone -b branch --single-branch https://github.com/DarthVeder/server.git

Directory structure

After downloading the repository you will find the following structure inside the server directory:

├── client
│   ├── client.cpp
│   ├── makefile
│   ├── oda.pb.cpp
│   └── oda.pb.h
├── makefile
├── oda.proto
├── README.md
└── server
   ├── makefile
   ├── oda.pb.cpp
   ├── oda.pb.h
   └── server.cpp


Simply perform:

$ make

This should generate the two executables client/client and server/server. The server should be running before the client is invoked.


$ ./server port_number

port_number should be any integer number above 3000. Attention should be used for reserved port numbers.

$ ./client host_name port_number

host_name can also be localhost. port_nuber is obviously the same number used for the server. If everything goes well, the server should be able to add a new row in the database and print the new table on screen.


For the time being, the database is assumed to be on alcor and there is no option for selecting another DB. If you are not on alcor, then you have a problem.....