An extremely thin Python wrapper around uroman - a universal text romanizer written in Perl.
This package exists so that you can use uroman
in your Python projects without a hassle, provided your target environment also has Perl installed.
pip install uroman-python
from uroman import uroman
romanized_ru = uroman("Да это транслит")
# romanized_ru == "Da eto transit"
# Provide language tag for better results (everything `langcodes` understands is accepted)
romanized_zh = uroman("关 服务 高端 产品 仍 处于 供不应求 的 局面", language="zh")
# Provide `chart=True` to get rich alignment between original and romanized texts in JSON
chart = uroman(" القارة وتمتد من المحيط الأطلسي في الشرق إلى المحيط ", language="ar", chart=True)
- @ryderwishart for providing a small script, which this package wraps with the small modifications
- Original