
This is a Dockerfile to create a docker container to be use by members of the Jawn project.

Primary LanguageRuby


A Node.Js docker container with the purpose to be used by contributors to the Jawn project (https://github.com/CfABrigadePhiladelphia/jawn), in order to maintain a reproducible and consistent environment to test and run their code.

The container

The container uses Ubuntu, and installs nodejs v4.x. The working directory is /app. In addition, this container comes with an rspec test to check the container builds properly and as expected (see below).

Getting Docker (Required)

Before you start, you need to have docker installed on your machine. Follow the instructions for your OS on the Docker Install page

Getting the Image

If you don't want to build this image yourself, you can use the copy from dockerhub by running

docker pull jawn/node-jawn

If you want to build the image yourself from our Dockerfile, follow the the build instructions below.

Using the Image

Whether you've installed the jawn/node-jawn image from dockerhub or built the image from the Dockerfile using the instructions below, these commands show you how to use the image to do things like test the jawn code or work in a bash terminal.

The commands use docker's -v flag to tell the docker container where to find your source code. For example, if your code is at /path/to/jawn, you can make that code visible to the container using -v "/path/to/jawn:/app". If you change those files in /path/to/jawn the changes will be visible to the container. Likewise if the container changes those files (for example installing modules into node_modules), those changes will be visible to you on your filesystem.

First run npm install:

You must do this before trying to run npm test

This will tell npm to install your application's Node dependencies. It will read /path/to/jawn/package.json and install all of the dependencies listed in that file. The dependencies get installed to /path/to/jawn/node_modules

docker run --rm \
       -v "/path/to/jawn:/app" \
       jawn/node-jawn \
       npm install

Run npm test:

Run jawn's test suite using npm test

docker run --rm \
       -v "/path/to/jawn:/app" \
       jawn/node-jawn \
       npm test

Run a bash terminal:

To work in a bash terminal within the container, include the -it flags and tell docker to run bash

docker run --rm -it \
       -v "/path/to/jawn:/app" \
       jawn/node-jawn \

Building the Image

If you don't want to build the image yourself, you can use the copy from dockerhub. See Getting the Image

Clone the Repo

First clone the Node-Jawn-Docker git repository and cd into it.

git clone git@github.com:clamorisse/Node-Jawn-Docker.git
cd Node-Jawn-Docker/

Build the Image

Use docker build to build a docker image based on the Node-Jawn-Docker dockerfile. Make sure you are in the Node-Jawn-Docker directory when you run this.

docker build -t jawn/node-jawn .

Note: This example creates an image called node-jawn from the user jawn, but you can choose any name for the image you're building and for the application. docker build -t user/your-image-name .

Video: Building the Image and Running It


To test Dockerfile with rspec

This repository contains a file spec/Dockerfile_spec.rb that test the image. This test runs using a container as well. After cloning this repository, install the necessary gems to run rspec and serverspec:

docker run --rm -it \
       --net host  \
       --name ruby \
       -e BUNDLE_PATH=/usr/src/app/rubies \
       -e BUNDLE_BIN=/usr/src/app/rubies \
       -e BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG=/usr/src/app/rubies \
       -e GEM_HOME=/usr/src/app/rubies \
       -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
       -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app \
       -e PATH=/usr/local/bundle/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/src/app:/usr/src/app/rubies \
       -w /usr/src/app ruby:2.1  \
       bundler install

then run test by replacing bundler install with rspec.


For more information on how to use rspec and serverspec to run test on a dockerfile check this other works and repositories:





Once in a while, there is a need to maintain the virtual machine clean of intermediated images and exited containers in order to have docker container running properly. To delete intermidiate images:

docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk '{print$3}')

and to delete exited containers:

docker rm $(docker ps --all -q -f status=exited)