
:floppy_disk: real time replication and versioning for data sets

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Dat: version, fork, and sync data

Welcome to Dat!

Key features:

  • manage and track change history in binary and tabular data
  • supply access points to data across the network with a peer-to-peer model
  • create historical checkpoints with metadata (e.g., message, timestamp, author)
  • sync incrementally between machines
  • encourage forking of data, rather than forcing merges

If you haven't yet, please swing over to our interactive tutorial to try dat now in your browser and readthedocs.

Have questions? Join #dat on freenode or Gitter. Chat logs are available here


Windows Mac/Linux
Build status Travis


Dat is a data versioning, forking, and syncing tool. Dat embraces the Unix philosophy: a modular design with composable parts. All of the pieces (storage, replication transports, compression, Merkle DAG) can be replaced with alternatives as long as they implement the abstract API.


Step 1: Install Node.js from the Node website. (Installing Node via Homebrew can cause problems, and is not recommended.)

We Recommend Node version 0.12 or above. You can check your version of Node by running node -v on the command line.

$ node -v
Step 2: Install dat
npm install dat -g

The -g means "install globally" which makes the dat command available in your command line path.

If it all worked correctly, you should see something like this when you type dat:

usage: dat <command(s)> [--flag] [--key=value]

  init        Initialize a new dat store in a directory.
  status      Show current status.
  log         View a list of recent changes
  clone       Download and make a full copy of a remote dat.

Using dat

You can think of dat as a streaming interface for data on the filesystem -- it works like git.

Once imported, the data can be forked, diffed, merged, replicated, destroyed, etc.—see a list of all dat commands for more.

Run the tutorial at http://try-dat.com for a quick start to the basic collaborative command-line use cases.

Read the user guide here

Why not git?

Wouldn't it be great if you could add all of your code, dependencies, and data into a version control system? That's not good practice with git, because git is inefficient for large data.

Dat is written with streaming components, unlike git. Dat is written in Node.js (with some C bindings), which is good for piping data around the web and the filesystem.

Have you ever done git pull and gotten a merge conflict? Or has git prevented you from executing git push? Dat will never do that. Dat doesn't force merges when you pull data from a peer. Dat is designed with data in mind, unlike git, which was designed for source code.


"Error: Module did not self-register"

Try reinstalling dat. This is caused by a leveldown-prebuilt leftover from a previous version of dat. See #370.

npm uninstall dat -g
npm install dat -g

I'm getting a problem with 'leveldown' when trying to install.

Try adding --unsafe-perm to the installation command. See #374.

npm install dat -g --unsafe-perm

Dat is still in beta. If you have any trouble, let us know! Please tell us by opening an issue here or asking us a question in irc or gitter.

About dat

The dat module is designed with a small-core philosophy. It defines an API for reading, writing, and syncing datasets, and is implemented using Node.js.

Internally, dat has two kinds of data storage: tabular and blob. The default tabular data store is LevelDB and the default blob store stores files on a content-addressable blob store. Both of these default backends can be swapped out for other backends.


If it's broken, you can probably help fix it!

  • Start by checking out our help wanted issue tag.
  • Help us with the module wishlist! We hope to connect every database backend to dat, but we can't do it without your help!

You can install the latest development version with git:

git clone git://github.com/maxogden/dat.git
cd dat
npm install
npm link

Get Involved

  • Follow @dat_project on Twitter
  • Have any other questions/concerns? Open an issue
  • Suggest an organization that should be using dat to manage their data—we will help!
  • Join #dat on freenode or Gitter.