
Bash script to get location from Mozilla location service

Primary LanguageShellDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Mozilla location shell**:** mozlosh


Bash script to get location from WiFi with [http://location.services.mozilla.com/](Mozilla location service).

What this script does :

  • runs a command to get wireless stations around
  • retreives BSSID, channel, frequency and signal power (depends of command)
  • uses Mozilla location service API to get the position

Mozilla API : https://mozilla-ichnaea.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api/search.html

Tested on GNU & Linux, the script could work on MacOS, feedback needed.


and one of

  • iwlist (needs sudo) (GNU & Linux)
  • nmcli from network-manager (GNU & Linux)
  • wicd-cli from wicd (GNU & Linux)
  • airport (mac)

Mozilla API accepts :

  • key : BSSID
  • channel
  • frequency
  • signal level in dbm

All commands don't show all informations

  • iwlist : all fields
  • nmcli : BSSID, frequency
  • wicd-cli : BSSID, channel
  • airport : BSSID, channel, signal level

nmcli shows signal level but not in DBM, I can't find the unit ;-)