localStorageDB is a simple layer over localStorage (and sessionStorage) that provides a set of functions to store structured data like databases and tables. It provides basic insert/update/delete/query capabilities. localStorageDB has no dependencies, and is not based on WebSQL. Underneath it all, the structured data is stored as serialized JSON in localStorage or sessionStorage.
- Kailash Nadh
- v 2.3.1 Mar 2015
- v 2.3.0 Feb 2014 Contribution: Christian Kellner (http://orange-coding.net)
- v 2.2 Jan 2014 Contribution: Andy Hawkins (http://a904guy.com)
- v 2.1 Nov 2013
- v 2.0 Jun 2013
- v 1.9 Nov 2012
- Documentation: http://nadh.in/code/localstoragedb
- Licensed: MIT license
bower install localstoragedb
bower install # install mocha and chai for running test cases
open test/local_storage_db_test.html in Browser to check the result
Browsers need to support "Local Storage" in order to make localeStorageDB working.
- IE 8<
- Firefox 31<
- Chrome 31<
- Safari 7<
- iOS Safari 7.1<
- Android Browser 4.1<
- Chrome for Android 42<
// Initialise. If the database doesn't exist, it is created
var lib = new localStorageDB("library", localStorage);
// Check if the database was just created. Useful for initial database setup
if( lib.isNew() ) {
// create the "books" table
lib.createTable("books", ["code", "title", "author", "year", "copies"]);
// insert some data
lib.insert("books", {code: "B001", title: "Phantoms in the brain", author: "Ramachandran", year: 1999, copies: 10});
lib.insert("books", {code: "B002", title: "The tell-tale brain", author: "Ramachandran", year: 2011, copies: 10});
lib.insert("books", {code: "B003", title: "Freakonomics", author: "Levitt and Dubner", year: 2005, copies: 10});
lib.insert("books", {code: "B004", title: "Predictably irrational", author: "Ariely", year: 2008, copies: 10});
lib.insert("books", {code: "B005", title: "Tesla: Man out of time", author: "Cheney", year: 2001, copies: 10});
lib.insert("books", {code: "B006", title: "Salmon fishing in the Yemen", author: "Torday", year: 2007, copies: 10});
lib.insert("books", {code: "B007", title: "The user illusion", author: "Norretranders", year: 1999, copies: 10});
lib.insert("books", {code: "B008", title: "Hubble: Window of the universe", author: "Sparrow", year: 2010, copies: 10});
// commit the database to localStorage
// all create/drop/insert/update/delete operations should be committed
// rows for pre-population
var rows = [
{code: "B001", title: "Phantoms in the brain", author: "Ramachandran", year: 1999, copies: 10},
{code: "B002", title: "The tell-tale brain", author: "Ramachandran", year: 2011, copies: 10},
{code: "B003", title: "Freakonomics", author: "Levitt and Dubner", year: 2005, copies: 10},
{code: "B004", title: "Predictably irrational", author: "Ariely", year: 2008, copies: 10},
{code: "B005", title: "Tesla: Man out of time", author: "Cheney", year: 2001, copies: 10},
{code: "B006", title: "Salmon fishing in the Yemen", author: "Torday", year: 2007, copies: 10},
{code: "B007", title: "The user illusion", author: "Norretranders", year: 1999, copies: 10},
{code: "B008", title: "Hubble: Window of the universe", author: "Sparrow", year: 2010, copies: 10}
// create the table and insert records in one go
lib.createTableWithData("books", rows);
// If database already exists, and want to alter existing tables
if(! (lib.columnExists("books", "publication")) ) {
lib.alterTable("books", "publication", "McGraw-Hill Education");
lib.commit(); // commit the deletions to localStorage
// Multiple columns can also added at once
if(! (lib.columnExists("books", "publication") && lib.columnExists("books", "ISBN")) ) {
lib.alterTable("books", ["publication", "ISBN"], {publication: "McGraw-Hill Education", ISBN: "85-359-0277-5"});
lib.commit(); // commit the deletions to localStorage
is deprecated. Use queryAll()
// simple select queries
lib.queryAll("books", {
query: {year: 2011}
lib.queryAll("books", {
query: {year: 1999, author: "Norretranders"}
// select all books
// select all books published after 2003
lib.queryAll("books", {
query: function(row) { // the callback function is applied to every row in the table
if(row.year > 2003) { // if it returns true, the row is selected
return true;
} else {
return false;
// select all books by Torday and Sparrow
lib.queryAll("books", {
query: function(row) {
if(row.author == "Torday" || row.author == "Sparrow") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
limit: 5
// select 5 rows sorted in ascending order by author
lib.queryAll("books", { limit: 5,
sort: [["author", "ASC"]]
// select all rows first sorted in ascending order by author, and then, in descending, by year
lib.queryAll("books", { sort: [["author", "ASC"], ["year", "DESC"]] });
lib.queryAll("books", { query: {"year": 2011},
limit: 5,
sort: [["author", "ASC"]]
// or using query()'s positional arguments, which is a little messy (DEPRECATED)
lib.query("books", null, null, null, [["author", "ASC"]]);
lib.queryAll("books", { distinct: ["year", "author"]
// query results are returned as arrays of object literals
// an ID field with the internal auto-incremented id of the row is also included
// thus, ID is a reserved field name
lib.queryAll("books", {query: {author: "ramachandran"}});
/* results
ID: 1,
code: "B001",
title: "Phantoms in the brain",
author: "Ramachandran",
year: 1999,
copies: 10
ID: 2,
code: "B002",
title: "The tell-tale brain",
author: "Ramachandran",
year: 2011,
copies: 10
// change the title of books published in 1999 to "Unknown"
lib.update("books", {year: 1999}, function(row) {
row.title = "Unknown";
// the update callback function returns to the modified record
return row;
// add +5 copies to all books published after 2003
function(row) { // select condition callback
if(row.year > 2003) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function(row) { // update function
return row;
// if there's a book with code B003, update it, or insert it as a new row
lib.insertOrUpdate("books", {code: 'B003'}, { code: "B003",
title: "Freakonomics",
author: "Levitt and Dubner",
year: 2005,
copies: 15});
// delete all books published in 1999
lib.deleteRows("books", {year: 1999});
// delete all books published before 2005
lib.deleteRows("books", function(row) {
if(row.year < 2005) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
lib.commit(); // commit the deletions to localStorage
<td>Checks whether a table exists in the database</td>
<td>Returns the list of fields of a table</td>
<td>table_name, fields</td>
<td>Creates a table<br />
- fields is an array of string fieldnames. 'ID' is a reserved fieldname.
<td>table_name, rows</td>
<td>Creates a table and populates it<br />
- rows is an array of object literals where each object represents a record<br />
[{field1: val, field2: val}, {field1: val, field2: val}]
<td>table_name, new_fields, default_values</td>
<td>Alter a table<br />
- new_fields can be a array of columns OR a string of single column.<br />
- default_values (optional) can be a object of column's default values OR a default value string for single column for existing rows.
<td>Deletes a table from the database</td>
<td>Empties all records in a table and resets the internal auto increment ID to 0</td>
<td>table_name, field_name</td>
<td>Checks whether a column exists in database table.</td>
<td>Returns the number of rows in a table</td>
<td>table_name, data</td>
<td>Inserts a row into a table and returns its numerical ID<br />
- data is an object literal with field-values<br />
Every row is assigned an auto-incremented numerical ID automatically
<td>query() DEPRECATED</td>
<td>table_name, query, limit, start, sort</td>
<td>table_name, params{}</td>
Returns an array of rows (object literals) from a table matching the query.<br />
- query is either an object literal or null. If query is not supplied, all rows are returned<br />
- limit is the maximum number of rows to be returned<br />
- start is the number of rows to be skipped from the beginning (offset)<br />
- sort is an array of sort conditions, each one of which is an array in itself with two values<br />
- distinct is an array of fields whose values have to be unique in the returned rows<br />
Every returned row will have it's internal auto-incremented id assigned to the variable ID</td>
<td>table_name, query, update_function</td>
<td>Updates existing records in a table matching query, and returns the number of rows affected<br />
- query is an object literal or a function. If query is not supplied, all rows are updated<br />
- update_function is a function that returns an object literal with the updated values
<td>table_name, query, data</td>
<td>Inserts a row into a table if the given query matches no results, or updates the rows matching the query.<br />
- query is either an object literal, function, or null.<br />
- data is an object literal with field-values
<br /><br />
Returns the numerical ID if a new row was inserted, or an array of IDs if rows were updated
<td>table_name, query</td>
<td>Deletes rows from a table matching query, and returns the number of rows deleted<br />
- query is either an object literal or a function. If query is not supplied, all rows are deleted
Method | Arguments | Description |
localStorageDB() | database_name, storage_engine | Constructor - storage_engine can either be localStorage (default) or sessionStorage |
isNew() | Returns true if a database was created at the time of initialisation with the constructor | |
drop() | Deletes a database, and purges it from localStorage | |
tableCount() | Returns the number of tables in a database | |
commit() | Commits the database to localStorage. Returns true if successful, and false otherwise (highly unlikely) | |
serialize() | Returns the entire database as serialized JSON |