
Snake game with qml and js run in desktop and raspi.

Primary LanguageQML


A snake game written in qt.Use qml to show ui,and java script to control game. ###Snake Game###

Everyone knows what it is,if you dont,Check it out


Build Status

Repository structure

The directory structure is:

snake.pro the qmake project

	main.cpp init qopenglcontext
	main.qml the main page to show game area
	Apple.qml the entity represent apple
	GameArea.qml represent game board
	GameEntity.qml parent of other entities
	MaterialBackground.qml draw game background
	SnakePart.qml part of snake body
	Wall.qml wall around game area,invisible because the game aims in raspi
	qtquickcontrols2.conf the style and theme configuration file 

Entity struts