
Jupiter Notebook to create html code for wordpress run reports

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

parkrun Run Report

Jupiter Notebook to create html code for wordpress parkrun run reports

RunReportWeek parameters

run = RunReportWeek(parkrunname, eventNumber, week, options)

  • week 1 - age group first finishers
    • options = {}
  • week 2 - regular runners/volunteers options
    • options = {'runner_limit':7, 'volunteer_limit':2, 'number_event_urls':8}
  • week 3 - regular PBs options
    • options = {'pb_limit':2, 'number_event_urls':8}
  • week 4 - community
    • options = {}

Result System



  • Go through this week’s photos on the facebook page for the parkrun and select 9 or 10 to use in the report.
  • Try to represent the diversity of our run’s community.
  • Include one of the volunteers, and one of each milestone runner if possible
  • You’ll probably have to rename them as the file names assigned by facebook are woeful.
  • Follow the social media guidelines from the https://wiki.parkrun.com/index.php/Index

flickr upload

  • If you don't have a flickr account, create one
  • Go to upload page when logged in
  • https://www.flickr.com/photos/upload/
  • drag and drop photos onto page
  • Make sure they are able to be viewed by anyone - set viewing privacy to public.
  • Add the following tags to all at once
  • {parkrunname}_parkrun_{eventnumber} e.g. jells_parkrun_160
  • {parkrunname}
  • parkrun
  • after tagging, finalise the upload by clicking on the 'Upload x photos' button

flickr add to group

flickr get urls for photo links

  • go to the main flickr group page
  • https://www.flickr.com/groups/{parkrunname}-parkrun/
  • search for the {parkrunname}_parkrun_{eventnumber} tag
  • Click on each photo.
  • Click on the 'Share Photo' icon
  • Click on BBCode
  • Note the width and height on that page as well.
  • Copy the code into the photos cell between the ''' and '''
  • Enter the width and height of the photo as well
  • Enter the section for the photo to appear - options: summary, volunteer, photo, milestone
  • run.addPhoto(text, ['width','height'], 'section')
  • e.g.
    • run.addPhoto(text, ['640','427'], 'photo')
  • to add more photos, copy and paste as many as necessary

Event Results