
This repo contains my hackintosh tools & info for Thinkpad X1 Extrame

Primary LanguageC++


This repo contains my hackintosh tools & info for Thinkpad X1 Extrame

Folder Description
codec codec information for ALC285, I use them to generate layout 31 for AppleALC
AppleIntelInfo Data extracted from AppleIntelInfo, use them to make ssdtPRGen config for Intel i7-8750H
ssdtPRGen Based on coffee lake version from Pull #402. Add i7-8750H support.
Voodoo-PS2-Controller corresponding to syscl's forked version, make gesture up to 3 fingers available. Known issue: there is a confliction between voodooi2c
Automator scripts Some useful Automator service script, see detail
refresh_kext.sh Bash script to refresh kext cache
ALCPlugFix By goodwin, and changes to suit my own. Refer: 使用AppleALC声卡仿冒驱动AppleHDA的正确姿势
fan control Custom fan control, see here for instructions.

Other Useful

Enable HiDPI

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xzhih/one-key-hidpi/master/hidpi.sh)"

source: xzhih/one-key-hidpi

Fan control

  1. apply DSDT_utilities_patch on your DSDT.

  2. add ACPIPoller.kext to kext/other.

  3. Modify and compile SSDT-CFAN.dsl and add to ACPI/patched