
A simple implementation of rock paper scissors using a micro controller's LED matrix.

Primary LanguageC

Rock Paper Scissors

Flynn Doherty

How to compile

  1. Plug in the UCFK4 into a standard USB port.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the files game.c, game_utils.c and Makefile.
  3. Open a terminal at this directory, and use the command make program to flash the UCFK4 with the game files.
  4. The UCFK4's LED matrix should now be active and the game ready to play.

How to play

  1. Once both players have flashed their UCFK4's with the game, players can use the navstick to select their desired hand.
  2. After both players have made their choice of R, P, or S by pressing the navstick down, align both UCFK4s side by side with the IR sensors feeding into each other.
  3. Once alligned, each player's LED matrix will light up with either "Tie", "You Won!" or "You Lost!".
  4. The bottom left button can now be pressed to reset the game and both people will be able to once again choose their hand.
  5. Repeat from step 2.