- Plug in the UCFK4 into a standard USB port.
- Navigate to the directory that contains the files
. - Open a terminal at this directory, and use the command
make program
to flash the UCFK4 with the game files. - The UCFK4's LED matrix should now be active and the game ready to play.
- Once both players have flashed their UCFK4's with the game, players can use the navstick to select their desired hand.
- After both players have made their choice of R, P, or S by pressing the navstick down, align both UCFK4s side by side with the IR sensors feeding into each other.
- Once alligned, each player's LED matrix will light up with either "Tie", "You Won!" or "You Lost!".
- The bottom left button can now be pressed to reset the game and both people will be able to once again choose their hand.
- Repeat from step 2.