Generate image ratings based on directory tree topology and write them to .XMP files.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This script uses the directory tree topology to rate images and stores the resulting ratings in .XMP sidecar files.


Before we begin I have to be upfront and explicitly say several things about the design philosophy, XMPGen was designed to:

  • be usable as-is, without any configuration (reasonable defaults).
  • if the defaults do not suit, then change the defaults.
  • if it's a special case then you have full control.

This should make XMPGen as simple to use as possible, and one should not be put off by the number of options, the goal is to put all user-specific configuration (if the defaults do not suffice) into a configuration file (see the Configuration options section in --help) and run the general case without any command-line options what-so-ever.

Here is a simple example given for a Nikon camera, same will apply to any other make:

We start with a simple directory tree, as it comes from the flash card:

|  232ND700/
|  |  DSC_0001.NEF
|  |  DSC_0002.NEF
|  |  DSC_0003.NEF
|  |  DSC_0004.NEF
|  |  DSC_0005.NEF
|  |  DSC_0006.NEF
|  |  ...

Then we create a set of previews:

|  232ND700/
|  |  *preview (RAW)/*
|  |  |  DSC_0001.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0002.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0003.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0004.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0005.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0006.jpg
|  |  \  ...
|  |  DSC_0001.NEF
|  |  DSC_0002.NEF
|  |  DSC_0003.NEF
|  |  DSC_0004.NEF
|  |  DSC_0005.NEF
|  |  DSC_0006.NEF
|  |  ...

Next we select the best images on each level... This can be done trivially with any image viewer or file manager that supports copying files:

|  232ND700/
|  |  preview (RAW)/
|  |  |  *fav/*
|  |  |  |  *fav/*
|  |  |  |  |  *DSC_0002.jpg*
|  |  |  |  \  *DSC_0004.jpg*
|  |  |  |  *DSC_0001.jpg*
|  |  |  |  *DSC_0002.jpg*
|  |  |  |  *DSC_0004.jpg*
|  |  |  \  *DSC_0006.jpg*
|  |  |  DSC_0001.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0002.jpg
|  |  \  ...
|  |  DSC_0001.NEF
|  |  DSC_0002.NEF
|  |  ...

It would be logical to convert this topology into ratings, the deepest files having the top rating:

|  232ND700/
|  |  preview (RAW)/
|  |  |  fav/
|  |  |  |  fav/
|  |  |  |  |  DSC_0002.jpg  - - - 5*
|  |  |  |  \  DSC_0004.jpg  - - - 5*
|  |  |  |  DSC_0001.jpg - - - - - 4*
|  |  |  |  DSC_0002.jpg
|  |  |  |  DSC_0003.jpg
|  |  |  \  DSC_0004.jpg - - - - - 4*
|  |  |  DSC_0001.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0002.jpg
|  |  \  ...
|  |  DSC_0001.NEF
|  |  DSC_0002.NEF
|  |  ...


Notice that files with the same name can exist on several levels, i.e. it does not matter if one moves or copies files to the next level.

Now, we would like this information to be stored in a way that can be used by other software in a non-destructive manner. the best way to do this is .XMP sidecar files stored in the same location as the corresponding RAW files (.NEFs in this case).

So here is the simplest way to do this:

$ cd DCIM
$ xmpgen

xmpgen will automatically find both input -- where the rated previews are located -- and output -- where to write the .XMPs -- directories. Both input and output locations can be spread into multiple locations. But both should be below the point xmpgen was called from.


It is not yet possible to make this do it's job over a large archive containing files with duplicate names in different locations.

The above will generate the needed data as follows:

|  232ND700/
|  |  preview (RAW)/
|  |  |  fav/
|  |  |  |  fav/
|  |  |  |  |  DSC_0002.jpg
|  |  |  |  \  DSC_0004.jpg
|  |  |  |  DSC_0001.jpg
|  |  |  |  DSC_0002.jpg
|  |  |  |  DSC_0004.jpg
|  |  |  \  DSC_0006.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0001.jpg
|  |  |  DSC_0002.jpg
|  |  \  ...
|  |  DSC_0001.NEF
|  |  *DSC_0001.XMP*
|  |  DSC_0002.NEF
|  |  *DSC_0002.XMP*
|  |  ...

For more control one can specify all the data on the command line for the same effect as the above:

$ xmpgen --root=DCIM --input="preview (RAW)" --output=232ND700 --raw-extension=.NEF --traverse-dir-name=fav --no-search-output --no-search-input

In some cases XMPGen needs to do some more work than is obvoius:

  1. There are multiple occurrences of RAW files with the same name in a directory tree.

    Here, we will determine which file is the target by closeness to the preview in the topology. The criteria used to judge distance are as follows:

    • Depth/size of sub-tree. A tree at a deeper location (smaller) beats the more general (larger) sub-tree. e.g. max length of identical path section starting from root wins:

         / \          Path AB is closer to AB(T) than A (obvious)
        /   B
       /   / \        Path ABD is closer to AB(T) than AC
      C   D  (T)
    • Within a minimal sub-tree the shortest distance to sub-tree root wins:

       / | \
      B  C (T)        Path AB is closer to T than ACD

    This situation can occur if we are processing a large archive all at once, there, preview directories usually are in the same sub-tree as their corresponding RAW files.

    If there are two or more target files at the same topological distance from the preview we will fail.


    There could be topologies that will make this fail or do the wrong thing, please submit an issue or mail me if this is your case.

  2. There are more preview levels than there are ratings and labels.

    By default the first N-1 levels are rated and the rest merged into one, where N is the number of ratings and labels. there are several strategies supported:

    • merge-bottom, described above.
    • skip-bottom - levels N through M are not rated, here M is the number of levels.
    • abort - rate until we reach the end of the ratings, then fail.

    This is customizable via the --overflow-strategy option.

The data the script uses and its behavior is fully configurable.

Current command-line reference:

Usage: xmpgen.pyc [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --root=PATH           root of the directory tree we will be working at
                        (default: ".").
  --input=DIR_NAME      name of directory containing previews (default:
                        "preview (RAW)"). NOTE: this directory tree can not be
                        used for output.
  --output=DIR_NAME     name of directory to store .XMP files. if --no-search
                        is not set this is where we search for relevant files
                        (default: ROOT).
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity.
  -q, --quiet           decrease output verbosity.
  -m, --mute            mute output.

  Ratings & Labels:
    --use-labels        if set, use both labels and ratings.
    --clear-labels      clear list of labels, shorthand to removing all the
                        labels one by one.
    --label=LABEL       add label to list of labels (default: ['Second',
                        'Review']). NOTE: the order in which labels are added
                        is significant - first is higher priority last lower.
                        remove label from list of labels (default: []).
    --rate-top-level    if set, also rate top level previews.
                        percentage of elements unique to a level below which
                        the level will be merged with the next one (default:
                        the way to handle tree depth greater than the number
                        of given ratings (default: merge-bottom). available
                        options are: ('abort', 'skip-bottom', 'merge-bottom')

  Advanced options:
    --no-search-input   if set, this will disable searching for input
                        directories, otherwise ROOT/INPUT will be used
                        directly. NOTE: this will find all matching INPUT
                        directories, including nested ones.
    --no-search-output  if set, this will disable searching for RAW files, and
                        XMPs will be stored directly in the OUTPUT directory.
    -s DIR_NAME, --skip=DIR_NAME
                        list of directories to skip from searching for RAW
                        files (default: ['preview (RAW)'])
                        directory used to traverse to next level (default:
                        use as the extension for RAW files (default: ".NEF").
                        use XMP_TEMPLATE instead of the internal template.
                        the way to handle existing xmp files (default:
                        rewrite). available options are: ('abort', 'skip',
                        'rewrite', 'update', 'highest', 'lowest')
                        if set, skip generating .XMP files for targets that
                        can not be located. this can happen for example when
                        rating a file that was shot in JPEG or was processed
                        in cammera.

  Runtime options:
    --dry-run           run but do not create any files.

  Configuration options:
    --config-print      print current configuration and exit.
                        print default configuration and exit.
                        save current configuration at the root location. this
                        is a shorthand for: xmpgen ... --config-print >
                        ROOT/.xmpgen; xmpgen ...

NOTEs: xmpgen will overwrite existing .XMP files (will be fixed soon). xmpgen
will search for both INPUT and OUTPUT so explicit declaration is needed only
in non-standard cases and for fine control.

The default options that can be contained in ~/.xmpgen or printed by the --config-print or --config-print-default are in JSON format:

    "CONFIG_SAVE_LOCAL": false,
    "HANDLE_EXISTING_XMP": "rewrite",
    "INPUT_DIR": "preview (RAW)",
    "LABELS": [
    "LABEL_CFG": ".label",
    "OUTPUT_DIR": ".",
    "OVERFLOW_STRATEGY": "merge-bottom",
    "RATE_TOP_LEVEL": false,
    "RATINGS": [
    "ROOT_DIR": ".",
    "SEARCH_INPUT": true,
    "SEARCH_OUTPUT": true,
    "SKIP": [
        "preview (RAW)"
    "THRESHOLD": 5,
    "TRAVERSE_DIR": "fav",
    "USE_LABELS": false,
    "VERBOSITY": 1,
    "XMP_TEMPLATE": "<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x=\"adobe:ns:meta\/\">\n\t<rdf:RDF xmlns:r
df=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/1999\/02\/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\">\n\t\t<rdf:Description r
df:about=\"\" xmlns:xap=\"http:\/\/ns.adobe.com\/xap\/1.0\/\">\n\t\t\t<xap:Creat


Some options may or may not be available depending on installed third party software. Such optional software includes: pyexiv2 http://tilloy.net/dev/pyexiv2/


The minimal config must contain at least a pair of curly brackets.


Within the config any subset of the supported options can be included, the rest will be replaced with defaults.


These may get out of date, so use --help to get the actual info.


To generate a config file just do this:

xmpgen --config-print > ~/.xmpgen

This can also be combined with options, these will be saved to generated config file:

xmpgen --raw-extension=.CRW --traverse-dir-name=select --input="RAW previews" --config-print > ~/.xmpgen


To save a local config in the location xmpgen was called from use:

xmpgen ... --config-save-local

This is similar to:

xmpgen ... --config-print > ./.xmpgen

The difference is that --config-save-local will also do the work specified by the options.


In general, order of flags does not matter. but order of labels given on command line is.