
A copy of learning cluster assignment wiki to show the diff of each version of wiki

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  • OS: CentOS 7/ Ubuntu 14.04
  • Network Structure: NAT, Losalamos need to be the NAT server. Losalamos can be connected to the port on wall through "eno2".
  • Install Choice: Link to installation
  • You need to install 'HDFS','MapReduce2','Yarn', 'Ambari Metrics' and you must install the package we are currently learning.
  • You must keep a wiki of the necessary steps you think may be helpful to the next group here. Change of the wiki also is part of the grading.
  • You have 3 whole days minus 2h for grading from 1:00 PM the first day to 11:00 AM the last day.

#Grading Criteria (30') ##Wiki (10')

  • Beyond expectation, more than TA would write (12')
  • Meet expectation (10')
  • Basically meet expectation, missing some points that TA think is necessary for other groups (8')
  • Below expectation (6')
  • Less than 10 lines of wiki added/Modified, or modification makes no sense (2')

Self designed demo with scripts to run without any intervention (10')

  • Beyond expectation, test some points that TA would not think of (12')
  • Meet expectation (10')
  • Basically meet expectation (8')
  • Below expectation, there are some essential points are not tested (6')
  • Demo does not work will add another 3 points penalty on the previous grade.
  • Demo requires TA intervention will add 1~2 points penalty on the previous grade depending on the time spend on intervention.

Other (10')

  • Iptables is up on losamalos and has basic protection with minimum iptables (2')
  • Primary Name Node and Data Nodes should be on separate machines. (2')
  • Primary Name Node and Secondary Name Nodes should be on separate machines. (2')
  • NAT test, get google home page on other three machines. (2')
  • Strong Password, password including at least a number and a letter and longer than 6 characters (2')
  • No Alert in Ambari. (1' each alert, 2' max)

Minimum Iptables

target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
ACCEPT     all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     all  --  lo     any     anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT     icmp --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere
REJECT     all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
  • Ubuntu Command Line, Network Config (hostname, hosts, etc)
  • Basic Computer Network knowledge, like DNS, Subnet (IP, Mask), Gateway;
  • SSH, NAT, Forwarding
  • Hadoop structure
  • Basic understanding of above topics would make this work much easier
  • There are four servers to set up, but only the first one (Losalamos) has access to the Internet;
  • The box connecting the servers is just a switch, not a router. So “forwarding” is needed to get the other three servers connected to the Internet;
  • Every server has two network adapters, “eth0” and “eth1”, and it can only connects to the Internet by “eth1”. So please double-check the connection ports;
  • Since “Losalamos” uses “eth1” to connect to the Internet, it should use “eth0” for the sub network.

Overview: Given four blank server, we need to install system and establish a subnet. Finally install the requested hortonwork components. The network should be built as this image


Install Ubuntu (recommend 14.04) on each machine. The hard disks of four machines should already be erased. If not, press F11 when the system is starting and choose to start from the CD rom.

It may be hard to create a bootable USB stick on mac OS X. Failures occured for the following two approaches:

  1. burn by command dd [ref]
  2. burn by UNetbootin [ref] Please update if there are methods that work. A convenient method is to install Ubuntu from CD (the CD is already provided, you can find it near the machines).

In the image above, the three innet machines' hostname are alpha, beta and gamma. You can change them to whatever you like.

During the installation, we need configured network of losalamos with eth1 and we don't need to configure the network of three innet machines during the install process. Thus when installing Ubuntu on the three innet machines, it will show "network autoconfiguration failed", just ignore and continue.

Here is a step-by-step installation video.

losamalos should have access to the internet already after installation. Using ping google.com or ping + other known IP address to check the connection.

  1. Connect servers physically, through the switch and network adapter ports on each machine. Usually this step has already been done.
  2. Start from the losamalos Up the eth0 network of losalamos. using command sudo ifconfig eth0 up
  3. Configure eth0 in the file /ect/network/interfaces with static ip =, netmask, gateway, and broadcast You can find an example here, in the Configuring the interface manually section.
  4. There are two ways to setup connection between losamalos and the other threes machine alpha, beta and gamma.
  • Using DHCP
  • Set up a DHCP server on losalamos first. Here is a video tutorial about how to set up a DHCP server on Ubuntu server. Be carefule about compatability. The system we install is Ubuntu 14.01. So download the version of DHCP server which is compatable with our system. The DNS server of CMU are here And you cancheck this for DHCP configuration.
  • Switch to innet machines, up the eth1, and set up each eth1 to dhcp. You can check this page to help.
  • Using staic IP
  • No need to set up DHCP server on losalamos. Go straight to innet machines and set up the static IP to the three innet machine as the image above. This page can help you to set up the static ip, you need to set the address(staic ip),netmask(,gateway(the static IP of losamalos) anddns-nameservers( in the file /etc/network/interfaces
  1. After making the configurations above, remember the configurations will take effect only after 1) you reboot the machine OR 2) shut down port using sudo ifdown eth1 and then restart using sudo ifup eth1.
  2. DO NOT reboot losalamos after condifurating. Simply using sudo ifdown eth0, sudo ifup eth0 and sudo ifconfig eth0 up to enable the configuration. Otherwise you may lose your connection to external network.
  3. You should be able to ping each other now using ip.
  4. Edit /etc/hosts files on four machines, telling them the connections between ip and domain and hostname. This page can guide you how to set up.
  5. You should be able to ping each other now using domain or hostname


For now, the machines in the subnet are unable to connect the real internet. This is because the gateway does not forward their tcp/udp requests to the outside world. Thus we use iptables to tell gateway forwarding them. This page is enough as a HOWTO wiki. If you want to know more about forwarding, check this. After configuring iptables, all four machines should be able to connect to the Internet now, you can try to ping www.google.com on all four machines to test your configuration.


  1. Read the instructions carefully and find out which is incoming network port and which is outgoing.
  2. When executing echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward as instructed in the HOWTO wiki page, if get a "permission denied" alert,please use this command: sudo bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'.
  3. Don't overthink it. Just type in the commands, they are not script.
  4. If you cannot ping external resources on the inner machines, you can: 1) check if your server is able to ping outside or not; 2) check if the dns-nameserver if written in all four configuration files; or 3) check carefully the spelling of your configuration files.

Ambari is a automatical deploy system for Hadoop. Link to installation


  • This will help you when setting ulimit
  • Set up the ssh carefully. After this part being done, you can remotely control those four machines with your own laptop.
  • You need to set up password-less SSH during the process:
    • The manual from Hortonworks have covered the basic steps. You can also check this and this if you need more help.
    • You need to use root permission to set up password-less SSH. To set the root password see this.
    • If something goes wrong with the password-less SSH, you may get timeout error in building cluster. Then try Installing Ambari Agents Manually, look at this. For Ubuntu, use apt-get instead of yum.
  • The services you need to install are HDFS, MapReduce2, Yarn, ZooKeeper and Ambari Metrics. Some other services may fail so do not install services that you do not need.
  • You need to install both ambari-server and ambari-agent on losamalos, and you only need to install ambari-agent on three innet machine,
  • But if everything goes smoothly, you only have to manully install ambari-server on losalamos, and everything else can be doen through the Ambari Web in web browser.
  • While installing ambari-server on losamalos, java 1.8 will be installed with your choice during the process, but you need to configure the environment variables by yourself this page will help on your configurations.
  • Your java directory should be under /usr/jdk64/. Carefully set it to your configuration file.
  • While going through the Ambari Install Wizard, there are several parts you should watch out:
    • Make sure password-less ssh is correctly set up, which will let you ssh from any one of the four machines to other three without typing in password manually. Otherwise if may gave you failure when registering three inner machines.
    • When choosing services to install, only choose those are required. One safe way to do this is to first install only HDFS, MapReduce2, Yarn, ZooKeeper and Ambari Metrics. And go back to install other required services after confirming your hadoop can run correctly.
    • When assinging master, go through the Grading Criteria in Requirements section carefully.
  • You should be aware of that losalamos should be one of the clients since it is the only interface to run Hadoop programs from outside.
  • Once the cluster is installed, make sure this page shows each host has correct IP address (10.0.0.x).s If the IP address is that's not correct, check whether the four /etc/hosts files are same with each other. Modify /etc/hosts if necessary, then restart both ambari-server and all ambari-clients.
  • If something goes wrong, check your firewall settings or you may find causes by looking at log files under /var/log

If everything is green on the dashboard of Ambari, you can follow this to run a mapreduce job on the machines.


  1. Create a input directory under the user of hdfs
  2. Write the test MapReduce program (eg. wordcount)
  3. Compile the java files to class files with javac and archive the class files into jar
  4. Use command yarn to run the project and remember to set the output directory of your project or you will hard to find it

Tip: If you meet any permission problem of hdfs, check this

  • Log in through SSH to losalamos and perform all you tests here since this server should be the only interface;
  • Switch to other Hadoop users (ex. hdfs, but you can still create a new one) and upload or create your files on HDFS;
  • If there's any "permission" problem, try "su", or "sudo" in each command;
  • Remember that in Mapreduce2.0, you should use the command "yarn" but not "hadoop".
  • Make sure the physical connection is correct;
  • You should down/up network adapters or reboot machines to make your network configurations work;
  • Make sure your configurations are permanent, otherwise they will remain unchanged after reboot, like iptables;
  • Ambari Server should be installed on losalamos since it is the only server you can get access to from outside the subnet; losalamos should also hold a Ambari Agent to be part of the cluster;
  • Keep in mind that “Losalamos” should be one of the clients;
  • Make sure you use ulimit to change file descriptors limit before installing Ambari, or you may encounter problems in running the cluster.

In case anything you configured wrong, you might want to rebuild the cluster again. Please follow the below steps.

  1. Stop all services from Ambari
  2. Clean installed services on all four machines python /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_agent/HostCleanup.py
  3. Stop Ambari Server sudo ambari-server stop
  4. Reset Ambari Server sudo ambari-server reset
  5. Start Ambari Server again sudo ambari-server start
  6. Login to Ambari webpage and create the cluster

If you cann't create iptables by following the steps above, you can refer to this script created by Hsueh-Hung Cheng Here, make sure you understand each line of script (it may not work).

Troubleshooting Checklist

  • Is the interface configured correctly? (Related command or files: ifconfig, /etc/network/interfaces, lspci, lsmod, dmesg)
  • Is DNS/hostnames configured correctly? (Related command or files: /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, bind)
  • Are the ARP tables correct? (arp -a)
  • Can you ping the localhost? (ping localhost/
  • Can you ping other local hosts (hosts on the local network) by IP address? How about hostname? (Related command: ping)
  • Can you ping hosts on another network (Internet)? (Related command: ping) All your are doing is going either up or down the network model layers.

Explanations about several useful command

  • route -n: To see your routing tables. -n means return numeric output
  • ping: Ping your computer (by address, not host name) to determine that TCP/IP is functioning. You can also use option -c to determine how many packets you'are sending.
  • ifconfig: Tell you everything about the network interface