
.net framework classes for hackrf transceiver

Primary LanguageC#The UnlicenseUnlicense


This project allows to control HackRF tranceivers using .net environment.


Firstly you need to get list of connected hackrf devices by using NetHackrf.HackrfDeviceList() which returns array of NetHackrf.hackrf_device_info objects.

Each NetHackrf.hackrf_device_info object has OpenDevice() method which returns NetHackrf object.

To start receiving or transmitting data you need to run StartRX() or StartTX() method of NetHackrf object which would return System.IO.Stream object. Stream object is used to write or read IQ interleaved data.

Hackrf is half-duplex device thus only one stream can be used at a time. Before using StartRX() or StartTX() methods again you should stop the existing stream by using it's Dispose() method.

You can control transcevier by writing NetHackrf class properties which are:

  • double FilterBandwidthMHz
  • double CarrierFrequencyMHz
  • double SampleFrequencyMHz
  • bool AntPower
  • bool ClkOut
  • double LNAGainDb
  • double VGAGainDb
  • double TXVGAGainDb
  • bool AMPEnable


This project uses precompiled dynamic link libraries which have been released under GNU LGPL v2.1 license and BSD license:
libusb-1.0.dll https://github.com/libusb/libusb
hackrf.dll https://github.com/mossmann/hackrf/tree/master/host/libhackrf