Image galleries

The gallery plugin is a new shortdoce by yours truly.


{{< lightgallery >}}

Yup, this really is it. Creates a gallery with all images in page bundle.

Limitations are:

  • Can work with images from the page bundle, and from /assets; not from /static
  • Plugins are not yet usable
  • Only CDN downloads, no static JSS / CS files (you must be OK for your site using a CDN for this)
  • Transitions don't seem to be working
  • You can't configure absolutely most settings yet

Bottom line is that this is a very simple, opinionated gallery plugin for flexible but still simple use cases, which is hopefully expanded over time.


Either (preferred variant) load the short code using Hugo's modules:

# config.toml
path = ""

... or just copy the lightgallery.html file into your site's /layout/shortcodes folder.


Please go see the showcase page (or its GitHub repo) for documentation and exmaples.