
Run Docker x86_64 on Arm computers or Android

Primary LanguageShell



Run Docker x86_64 on Arm computers or Android

Original idea: https://gist.github.com/oofnikj/e79aef095cd08756f7f26ed244355d62 and https://github.com/egandro/docker-qemu-arm

This is a automatic installation script. As memory is always short, we also install zram.

Note (antonyz89)

This repo works a little bit different than the others, I removed all "wget" from scripts and use "git clone" instead because it is more simple.

👉 My porpose is use it with proot-distro and arch linux on my Samsung Tab S9 Ultra, but can works with other distros too (and without proot-distro).

If you want run with "wget" I suggest you to use the original solution egandro/docker-qemu-arm. Just remember to update the alpine-virt version to the latest and use my answerfile to work properly with the newest alpine-virt versions.

(The old version works fine too, but you can't use docker compose because it's not included on repository of Alpine 3.14)

Android Phone/Tablet with Termux

⚠️ Using proot-distro? Uncomment export PREFIX line on config.env ⚠️ Using proot-distro with ubuntu? Use ./ubuntu-setup.sh instead of ./termux-setup.sh

$ git clone https://github.com/antonyz89/docker-qemu-arm
$ cd docker-qemu-arm
$ ./termux-setup.sh

Raspberry Pi OS

$ git clone https://github.com/antonyz89/docker-qemu-arm
$ cd docker-qemu-arm
$ ./pi-setup.sh

Fedora ARM

$ git clone https://github.com/antonyz89/docker-qemu-arm
$ cd docker-qemu-arm
$ ./fedora-arm-setup.sh

Postinstall & fun

  • enter on folder called "alpine"
  • start the VM with "startqemu.sh"
    • root passwort is "Secret123" but root in ssh is locked by password
    • please change the password anyway
  • you can ssh to the VM with a 2nd Terminal and "ssh2qemu.sh" qemukey / qemukey.ssh are SSH keys
  • run a "uname -a" and a "docker run hello-world"
  • now you can move (and rename) "alpine" folder and delete the qemu-arm-arm folder :D

Using docker outside of qemu

Want use docker in your terminal without need enter on qemu machine? like:

# your terminal
cd your/project
docker compose up -d
# ...

Just follow these steps:

  1. Download docker static binary

    • ⚠️ or just install docker directly (e.g. sudo pacman -S docker)
    1. https://download.docker.com/linux/static/stable/aarch64/
    2. e.g.: wget https://download.docker.com/linux/static/stable/aarch64/docker-24.0.7.tgz
    • Extract it
      1. tar -xvf docker-24.0.7.tgz
      2. cd docker-24.0.7
      3. sudo cp docker /usr/local/bin/
  2. Add to your .bashrc/.zshrc/etc file:

    •   eval $(ssh-agent)
        # Change `~/docker-qemu-arm/alpine/` to your actual folder
        ssh-add ~/docker-qemu-arm/alpine/qemukey 
        export DOCKER_HOST=ssh://root@localhost:2222
        # Change `~/docker-qemu-arm/alpine/` to your actual folder
        alias stq="cd ~/docker-qemu-arm/alpine && ./startqemu.sh && cd"
        alias sshq="cd ~/docker-qemu-arm/alpine && ./ssh2qemu.sh && cd"
    • Using fish shell? use it instead:

      if test -z (pgrep ssh-agent | string collect)
          eval (ssh-agent -c)
          set -Ux SSH_AUTH_SOCK $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
          set -Ux SSH_AGENT_PID $SSH_AGENT_PID
          ssh-add /path/to/qemukey # e.g. ssh-add ~/alpine/qemukey
      export DOCKER_HOST=ssh://root@localhost:2222
  3. Save, open a new terminal and now run:

    docker ps
    # result

    If don't work, have sure that you have started qemu with startqemu.sh

  4. 🚀 It's done!

Obs: you can use docker outside of qemu, but yours containers will be running inside qemu.

Obs 2: need use docker compose? You can install it with sudo pacman -S docker-compose or equivalent

Known issues


  • Thanks to everybody who made this happen.



  • added config.env - this makes it much simpler for developers to tweak version numbers
  • fixed issue with alpine for zram
  • updated to alpine-virt-3.14.0-x86_64.iso

2023/01/18 (antonyz89)

  • updated README with steps to use docker outside of qemu (via ssh)
  • updated to alpine-virt-3.19.0-aarch64.iso
  • updated answerfile to works with 3.19.0
  • using local files instead download all files with wget. Clone the repo, execute the script and delete the repo is more simple