$ composer require flyrory/qiniu-lb-sdk -vvv
php artisan vendor:publish
use Flyrory\QiniuLbSdk\QiniuLb;
# 创建流
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->createStream($streamKey);
# 获取流信息
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getStreamInfo($streamKey);
# 获取流列表
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getStreamList($streamKey, $limit, $offset);
# 获取正在直播的流列表
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getLiveStreamList($streamKey, $limit, $offset);
# 批量查询流直播信息
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getBatchLiveStreamList($streamKeys);
# 查询流的直播状态
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getLiveStatus($streamKey);
# 禁用流
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->disableStream($streamKey);
# 启用流
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->enableStream($streamKey);
# 保存直播数据
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->saveLive($streamKey, $options);
# 查询推流历史记录
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getHistoryActivity($streamKey, $start, $end);
# 保存直播截图
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->saveSnapshot($streamKey, $options);
# 更改流的实时转码规格
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->editConverts($streamKey, $options);
# 生成推流地址
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getRtmpPublishUrl($streamKey, $expireAfterSeconds);
# 生成rtmp播放地址
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getRtmpPlayUrl($streamKey);
# 生成hls(m3u8)播放地址
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getHlsPlayUrl($streamKey);
# 生成hdl(flv) 播放地址
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getHdlPlayUrl($streamKey);
# 生成直播封面截图地址
$result = app(QiniuLb::class)->getSnapshotPlayURL($streamKey);
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