
Genome assembly pipelines used in Kim et al. 2023

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Drosophila genome analysis workflows

This repository contains scripts, Snakemake workflows, and Dockerfiles used for genome assembly in our latest manuscript [LINK].

Setting up for genome assembly

Container setup

The system used for building images must have Docker and/or Singularity (recommended) set up for the builds to run properly. Most of these workflows will not work out of the box without an NVIDIA graphics card. We generally use Ubuntu 22.04 (native installation) and Ubuntu 22.04 on Windows with WSL2 for this.

For Nanopore base calling and assembly, an NVIDIA graphics card of the Pascal (GTX 1000) generation or later should be installed as well as NVIDIA/CUDA drivers and NVIDIA Docker. While the NVIDIA hardware and libraries are technically not required, the pipeline is prohibitively slow without GPU acceleration.

The following software must be installed to get images to build. Once a Singularity image has been built, it can be transferred to and run on any system with Singularity installed (e.g. a cluster) without elevated privileges.

NVIDIA drivers are easily installed on Ubuntu systems with:

ubuntu-drivers devices
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall

Also note, the CUDA libraries do not have to be installed on the host machine, just the drivers. Use nvidia-smi inside a running container to check that drivers are installed and working and that the graphics card is detected.

Building Docker/Singularity images

Once Docker and Singularity have been installed, an image is built from the supplied Dockerfiles. Note, these images contains all libraries/programs sufficient to run the steps of our pipelines. From the directory containing the Dockerfile of interest, run the following code to build the Docker image. For example, to build the Nanopore assembly image from the root directory of this repository:

cd dockerfiles/assembly

sudo Docker build -t ${imageName} .

Once the image is built, a Docker container can be launched with the image. The --gpus all argument allows the container to access GPU resources; this can be omitted if you are not running a GPU image.

sudo docker run --gpus all -i -t assembly:latest

Because the Docker daemon requires root permissions we use Singularity to run containers on the cluster. A Singularity image is built from the Docker image with the following command:

sudo singularity build ${imageName}.simg \

The resulting assembly.simg Singularity image can be used to execute commands on the cluster. For example, to start an interactive shell at the current working directory, use:

singularity shell --nv ${imageName}.simg

Similar to the Docker command above, omit the --nv argument if GPUs are not needed for the workflow. Once the Singularity image is built, it can be copied to a different system and run immediately.

Installing Conda/Mamba

Miniconda is installed from the scripts here: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

Once Conda is installed, Mamba is installed into the base environment with

conda install -c conda-forge mamba

Installing Snakemake

Snakemake is used to manage workflows both locally and on the cluster. Install Snakemake into a new environment with Mamba:

mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake snakemake

Haploid genome assembly

The genome assembly pipeline is run with a single command to execute the Snakemake pipeline.

It can either be run with Illumina data,

snakemake --cores $(nproc) --jobs $(nproc) --use-singularity --singularity-args ' --nv' \
  --config sample="D.melanogaster" fwd="D.melanogaster_R1.fastq.gz" rev="D.melanogaster_R2.fastq.gz" \

Or without Illumina data.

snakemake --cores $(nproc) --jobs $(nproc) --use-singularity --singularity-args ' --nv' \
  --config sample="D.melanogaster" --rerun-incomplete

Before the pipeline can be run, some initial setup is needed. The Snakemake workflow is guided by the Snakemake file and the config.yaml configuration file. The following things should be set up and defined correctly in the config file:

  • Download/build Singularity images, and add paths to configfile:

  • Set up NCBI Foreign Contamination Screen

  • Set Guppy/Medaka models

    • Some Guppy models:
      • R9.4.1: dna_r9.4.1_450bps_sup.cfg
      • R10.4.1 400bps: dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup.cfg
      • R10.4.1 400bps 5khz: dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_5khz_sup.cfg
    • Some Medaka models:
      • R9.4.1: r941_min_sup_g507
      • R10.4.1: r1041_e82_400bps_sup_v4.1.0
      • R10.4.1 400bps 5khz: r1041_e82_400bps_sup_v4.2.0
  • There are a few other settings/flags, some ONT chemistry-specific, that can be set in config.yaml.

Input files

For each genome assembly, the following data are expected:

  • Nanopore raw data (./{sample}/ folder containing fast5/pod5 files) or gzipped basecalls ({sample}.fastq.gz)
  • Illumina paired-end reads ({sample}_R1.fastq.gz,{sample}_R2.fastq.gz)

This information is passed to Snakemake through --config sample="D.melanogaster" fwd="D.melanogaster_R1.fastq.gz" rev="D.melanogaster_R2.fastq.gz"

Output files

  • For all assemblies:
    • basecalled reads: {sample}.fastq.gz
    • raw Flye assembly: {sample}.flye.fasta
    • unmasked genome: {sample}.cleaned.fasta
    • NCBI Foreign Contamination Screen Report: {sample}.fcs.report
    • soft-masked genome: {species}.rm.fasta
    • repeat library: {species}-families.fa and {species}-families.stk
    • repeat annotations: {species}.out.gff
    • PEPPER-Margin-DeepVariant VCF: {sample}.vcf.gz
    • PEPPER-Margin-DeepVariant gVCF: {sample}.g.vcf.gz
    • P-M-D QV estimate: {sample}.PMDqv.out
  • Assemblies with Illumina data additionally produce:
    • Merqury QV (single score): {sample}.merqury.qv
    • Merqury QV (by contig/chr): {sample}.merqury.genome.qv
    • Merqury completeness: {sample}.merqury.completeness.stats
    • Yak QV: {sample}.yak.out

Progressive Cactus alignment

A preliminary version of the Progressive Cactus alignment can be downloaded from this Google Drive link. Note that genomes are subject to minor changes following submittion to NCBI GenBank. A final alignment will eventually be archived at Dryad: DOI (10.5061/dryad.x0k6djhrd)