
Cross-platform FlySight viewer

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

FlySight Viewer


  1. FlySight Viewer should be built using Qt 5.5.1. Later versions of Qt do not include QWebView, which is used by MapView.
  2. VLC-Qt builds can be found here: https://github.com/vlc-qt/vlc-qt/releases. For Qt 5.5, use VLC-Qt 1.0.
  3. wwWidgets is located here: http://www.wysota.eu.org/wwwidgets/#download. For Qt 5 compatibility, wwWidgets must be built from source.
  4. HTTPS requires the OpenSSL binaries. To build OpenSSL using MinGW:
  5. Download and install MSYS2 from http://www.msys2.org/
  6. Update the package database as indicated in instructions
  7. Prepare the MSYS2 build environment as shown here: http://wiki.qt.io/MSYS2
  8. Follow the instructions here to install OpenSSL: http://wiki.qt.io/Compiling_OpenSSL_with_MinGW
  9. Copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to the FlySight Viewer distribution folder

Deploying on Mac

  1. If this is your first time deploying:
  2. Install MacPorts (http://macports.org) if needed.
  3. In Terminal run port install mysql55.
  4. Install Homebrew (http://brew.sh) if needed.
  5. In Terminal run brew install postgresql.
  6. In Terminal run:
  7. /path/to/macdeployqt FlySightViewer.app
  8. cp -R /path/to/flysight-viewer-qt/macx/* FlySightViewer.app/Contents/Frameworks
  9. Open Disk Utility.
  10. Go to File > New Image > Blank Image and create a 450 MB disk image.
  11. Copy FlySightViewer.app into the new disk image.
  12. Eject the disk image.
  13. In Disk Utility, go to Images > Convert.
  14. Select the new disk image and click Open.
  15. Check that Image Format is set to compressed.
  16. Click Save.

Ubuntu Linux

sudo apt install libqt5webkit5-dev
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ntadej/tano
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libvlc-qt-dev
sudo cp /usr/lib/libVLCQtCore.so /usr/lib/libvlc-qt.so
sudo cp /usr/lib/libVLCQtWidgets.so /usr/lib/libvlc-qt-widgets.so

export QT_SELECT=qt5

# Download wwWidgets source from: http://www.wysota.eu.org/wwwidgets/#download
cd wwWidgets
make sub-widgets
sudo cp widgets/libwwwidgets4.so /usr/lib/libwwwidgets4.so
sudo cp widgets/libwwwidgets4.so /usr/lib/libwwwidgets4.so.1

# Build FlySightViewer
cd flysight-viewer-qt/src

If you have trouble building FlySight Viewer on Linux, check your Qt version number using the following command:

qmake --version

FlySight Viewer requires Qt version 5.5. If you have a different version installed, you will need to follow these steps to build with Qt 5.5:

  1. Download Qt 5.5 from https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/. Install to ~/Qt.
  2. Edit FlySightViewer.pro to add the following lines:
LIBS += -L/home/$USER/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/lib
INCLUDEPATH += /home/$USER/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/include
INCLUDEPATH += /home/$USER/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/include/QtCore
  1. Run make again.