
Auto Silent Update

Open this sample project in Android Studio

Actually, not Open, but Import Project at the first time, because of my optimized .gitignore file for Android Studio.

Merge AutoUpdate module into your App source

Just put follow files into your project:


Add follow code in your Activity like onCreate():

new VersionUpdate(this);

Add android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES in your AndroidManifest.xml.

Install your App

Because AutoUpdate need system permission, so you need put your apk into /system/app/ of rooted Android device, or you need sign apk like this:

java -jar signapk.jar platform.x509.pem platform.pk8 YourApp-release-unsigned.apk YourApp-release-signed.apk
zipalign -f 4 YourApp-release-signed.apk YourApp-release-signed-aligned.apk

ps: YourApp-release-unsigned.apk comes from double-click assemble in the right dock bar of Android Studio named Gradle.

ps: If there's a .so file in apk, but your App can't find it, here is the solution: push a apk with smaller android:versionCode in AndroidManifest.xml to /system/app/ , then upgrade the App with a bigger android:versionCode one.

Update your App

  • Increase versionCode and versionName in AndroidManifest.xml, then generate the apk.
  • Increase verCode and verName in json file within /Misc/AutoUpdateServer/
  • Put the new apk and json files into folder like http://github.com/flyskywhy/.
  • When your App startup next time, it will automatically get json for verCode from server like http://github.com/flyskywhy/ to compare with the versionCode of local installed apk, then download and silently update the new apk if needed.
  • When Config.setUpdateApkname and so on is not set to your App itself, then the specified apk will be invoked after updated.
