
Simple script to convert maps from GeoTiff to Magellan RMP format

Primary LanguagePython

GeoTiff2RMP is a simple command-line converter from GeoTiff raster format with WGS84 projection to RMP fromat used by Magellan Triton/Explorist GPS units.

Code was based on RMPCreator project https://github.com/antalos/RMPCreator, but got a few important improvements.



  • input map should be in WGS84 projection
  • works only on linux (other OS untested)
  • license is unclear, due to no license file in RMPCreator project

Example usage:

  • Convert map to WGS84 projection: gdalwarp -t_srs WGS84 -tr 0.00014 0.000077 -overwrite Arbalet-MO_All_300DPI.map arbalet_wgs84.tiff
  • Run GeoTiff2RMP: ./geotiff2rmp.py -o arbalet.rmp arbalet_wgs84.tiff
  • Upload map to your Magellan unit and mark it to display