
Basic creative project in pygame

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Rudimentary animation-game created in pygame. A sinister take on twinkle twinkle little star.

Dependencies: python (>3.6.1) pygame python module (>1.9.4) all files listed below

The application: game.py assets

The assets folder: bomb.png, star.jpg, starrynight.png, twink.mp3

Installation (WIN): Python: Install python from (https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.1/python-3.6.1-amd64.exe) Pygame: REQUIRES PYTHON TO BE INSTALLED Press WIN + R Enter cmd Type pip install pygame

Settings: The game is best run on a 1920x1080 resolution. 4GB RAM or more is recommended.


Term 1 Summative Assignment

(Total: 15%)

Technical ability: 9%

Planning and Communication: 3%

Creativity and Aesthetics Appeal: 3%

Due: 24 March 2019, 2359hrs

Assignment Requirements

  • Produce an animation using Pygame, utilizing concepts that you have learnt in the first 4 lessons.
  • You must include in your animation.
    • Proper use of blit, event loop, basic pygame objects (like the screen surface, font object, color constants, pygame.time.Clock etc)
    • Appropriate use of draw methods to draw game elements
    • Proper use of the Rect object
    • Using OO design to streamline your code and to manage numerous game entities
    • Use of sprite module to manage object updates, management and collision detections.
  • Add-ons
    • Basic event-handling: To process user input from keyboard and/or mouse
    • Graphics: Use of appropriate graphics loaded using the pygame.image module to enhance your animation
    • Sound: Liven your animation with pygame.mixer.music module

Submission Requirement

  • Animation Writeup:
    • Describe or illustrate what your animation is about, and identify its target audience.
  • Project Readme File
    • Also, include a file named readme.txt that explains at a high level what your project is and how it should be installed and run. If you use any 3rd party libraries, be sure to either include the library in your submission (preferred), or if this is impossible, to include very clear instructions on where and how to download and install the library.
  • Project video:
    • In the file project-video.txt, include the URL of a web-hosted (say, in YouTube) short video (say, 1-to-3 minutes long) demonstrating your project. Do not show every last feature. Instead, show the most important features, the highlights, the parts that are distinctive. You may just use a screen capture utility if you wish, along with a voiceover. Or you may just use a webcam or other video camera (even a decent cell phone camera) and directly video your screen. You do not need expert production value, and in particular you do not have to edit your video (and so you can have pauses, imperfect scene changes, and occasional verbal slips). However, the video should be of sufficient quality, and should clearly demonstrate your project, such that we can use it as part of our grading process (though we will also run your code, and in fact you will also run it for us). We may also place (excerpts from) some videos in a student term project gallery on the course website. Also, critically, your video should meet your own standards so that you could reasonably place it in an online portfolio of your academic work, and submit it to a prospective employer as part of your CV.
  • Reflection:
    • Amount of time spent
    • Declaration of external assistance (either from friend or teacher / website)
    • Acknowledgement of source of graphics, sounds etc from external website / authors
    • Learning points in the project planning / execution
    • Notable features that you are proud that you implemented in your assignment
  • Project zip file should include
    • Animation Writeup
    • Project Readme File
    • Assets: Graphics, Sound clips, Fonts etc.
    • Project video link
    • Project Reflection

Different Type of Animations

  • Agario
  • Ball and cup guessing game
  • Cell division
  • Line rider style animations (sync movements with music)