Web Site example using css layout and basic java script utilities
Live examples on https://rawgit.com:
- Add new widget
- Make sure you understand how to find any elements with:
- document.getElementById('element-id')
- document.getElementsByClassName("class-name")
- document.getElementsByTagName("a")
- and nested combinations of those
- play in FireBug to find and change some attributes (color, display, width, height, etc.) of some elements
- Make all widgets collapsible
- variables
- boolean | var employed = true;
- number | var age = 10;
- string | var name = 'text';
- object
- array | var skills = ['html', 'css', 'js'];
- json | var p = {name: 'me', age: 29, employed: true, skills: ['html', 'css', 'js']};
- object (DOM elements, others)
- functions
- parameters
- scope
review last lesson
homework review
DataView examples with general elements (html, css)
js scope
functions in functions
anonymous functions
add project in tomcat to make ajax calls (example to make link in webapps)
cd c:\Progs\apache-tomcat-8.0.20\webapps mklink /J web-tutorial c:\Producs\web-programming-tutorial