
Anatole is a minimalistic two-column theme.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Anatole for Micro.blog. LICENSE

Anatole is a beautiful minimalist two-column hugo theme based on farbox-theme-Anatole. Ported to and customized for Micro.blog. Demo here.

Screenshot Anatole Theme Screenshot Anatole Theme (dark)


Anatole's aims to be minimalistic and sleek but still brings some great functionality, including:

  • Dark mode
  • Multilingual
  • RTL support
  • Portfolio (optional)
  • Post Thumbnails (optional)
  • 100⁄100 Google Lighthouse score
  • Analytics powered by Google Analytics, Simple Analytics and Umami (optional)
  • Comments powered by Disqus, Commento, Gitalk or Utteranc.es (optional)
  • KaTex support (optional)
  • Formspree Contact Form (optional)
  • Twitter Cards support
  • Open Graph support
  • Google Fonts support
  • Custom JavaScript and CSS (optional)
  • Compliant to strict CSP
  • Post Series
  • Mermaid diagram support (optional)

Installing the theme

Anatole is available in Micro.blog's Plug-ins directory and can directly be installed from there. Note that the theme is compatible with Hugo 0.91 which is available as a setting on Micro.blog. You can follow the below general steps to install the theme.

  • Uninstall any theme that you have installed as a plugin.
  • Set you current theme to blank and Hugo Version to 0.91 in the design section of your blog.
  • Make sure there are no other conflicting custom CSS configured for the previous theme.
  • Install the "Anatole theme" plug-in from the directory.
  • Once the theme is successfully installed, you can configure the social icons displayed in the header by modifying the available options as plug-in's settings.
  • Additionally, you can also configure parameter to display full post content on homepage, disable animations and path to custom favicon.

Change Log

Version 1.0.1: Released 16th October, 2022

  • Fix for minor issues on archive page with categories
  • Fix for image display on smaller screens
  • Support for mastodon in social links list

Version 1.0: Released 15th October, 2022

  • First version with a separate Stats page


Anatole is licensed under the MIT license.


This theme is ported to Micro.blog by Amit Gawande. The original Hugo theme is maintained by its author Alexander Bilz and with the help from these awesome contributors. All contributions (including features, translations, code cleanups, improved documentation & bugs reporting) are welcome.