CS111 Discrete Mathematics, Fall 2021


Build the necessary mathematical foundation for your computer science career.



Important Dates and Grade Distribution:

Part Percentage
HomeWorks 10%
Quizzes 10%
1st Midterm 20%
2nd Midterm 20%
Final 22/01/2022 8am-10am 40%
Bonusses 5%


  • Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Kenneth H. Rosen, Latest edition

Extra resources

Tantitive Plan

Sections Topic Weeks Notes
1.1, 1.3-1.8 Logic & Proofs 2
2.1-2.4 Basic Structures 2
5.1-5.3 Induction & Recursion 2
6.1-6.5 Counting 2
8.5-8.6 Advanced Counting techniques 1
9.1-9.6 Relations 2
10.1-10.4 Graphs 2
11.1 Trees 1


  • Attendance is mandatory and will effect your grade.
  • Not all the details are covered in class. It is your job to understand all the details from the book.
  • Assignments:
    • One-day late, receive %50 of your total grade.
    • Two or more days late, receive zero grade.
  • It is your responsibility to write in clear way. If I can't read ... I can't grade.

How to Suceed in CS111

  • Do the assignments by yourself and to the best of your ability.
  • Start working on assignments once they are posted. NOT 24hrs before the deadline.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions.
  • If you have difficulties understanding the material Talk to me or the TA .
  • Solve book problems. Solve book problems. Solve book problems.
  • Read The Book. Read The Book. Read The Book.