
Converts british national grid (OSBG36) to lat lon (WGS84) and vice versa.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🇬🇧 BNG ⇄ LatLon🌐


Converts british national grid eastings and northings (OSBG36) to latitude and longitude (WGS84) and vice versa as used by https://blocl.uk

Originally authored by Hannah Fry.


Package includes:

The mathematical theory used here is set out in "A guide to coordinate systems in Great Britain" by Ordnance Survey.


Get the latest stable release from PyPi:

pip install bng_latlon

optional numba compiler for faster math

pip install numba


>>> from bng_latlon import bng_to_latlon
>>> bng_to_latlon(538890, 177320)
(51.477795, -0.001402)
>>> from bng_latlon import latlon_to_bng
>>> latlon_to_bng(51.4778, -0.0014)
(538890.1053, 177320.4965)

Public domain. Designed in the UK, published from Slovakia. Blocl Schools.