
My Codecademy Learning Diary

Useful resources

Fundamental of HTML

Important tags to pay attention to

  • The <em> tag will generally render as italic emphasis, it is used to emphasize text
  • The <strong> will generally render as bold emphasis, it is use to highlight important text
  • The <video src="myVideo.mp4" width="320" height="240" controls>Video not supported</video> is a used to render video content on the screen with play control
  • The use of anchor tag can be seen as <a href="URL" target="_blank">Desired content to anchor</a> the target attribute with value "_blank" opens a new window/tab whenever the anchor tag content is clicked on in the browser
  • The use of <!-- add your comment here --> to introduce comments into html file
  • <div> vs <section> if we are introducing container for sole purpose of styling one, the use <div> is sufficient, else, <section> should be use.

Standard HTML Structure

  • The html document starts with a document declaration <!DOCTYPE html> to indicate the file is an HTML 5 documents
  • The <html></html>is initiated to house the full html structure
  • ./ in the sample code <a href="./contact.html">Contact</a> tells the browser to look for the contact.html file in the current directory/folder

Understanding HTML Table

  • The <table> element creates a table.
  • The <tr> element adds rows to a table.
  • To add data to a row, you can use the <td> element.
  • Table headings clarify the meaning of data. Headings are added with the <th> element.
  • Table data can span columns using the colspan attribute.
  • Table data can span rows using the rowspan attribute.
  • Tables can be split into three main sections: a head, a body, and a footer.
  • A table’s head is created with the <thead> element.
  • A table’s body is created with the <tbody> element.
  • A table’s footer is created with the <tfoot> element. Sample code snippet below:
  <!--Below code create the table header (thead) section that houses Column's title-->
    <!--belw code create the table header row (tr) that houses each Column's title as shown with (th) tags-->
    <!--End of header row-->
  <!--End of table header section row-->
  <!--Below code create the table body section that housses the table data-->
    <!-- each (tr) tag creates a row of data with td/th represent a cell in a row-->
        a colspan/rowsppanattribute can be added to the th/td/tr to marge 2 or more cells together
        either vertically in the case of (tr) or horizontally in the case of td/th see example below:
        <tr rowspan="2"></tr> will merge to cells together vertically with  <tr colspan="2"></tr> will
        merge 2 cells together horizonatally
    <!--End of first row of data-->
    <!--Start of a new row-->
    <!--End of another row-->
  <!--End of table body section-->
  <!--Table footer to show table summary like some or count or other summary statistics-->
<!--End of footer-->

Typography Review

  • Typography is the art of arranging text on a page.
  • Text can appear bold or thin with the font-weight property.
  • Text can appear in italics with the font-style property.
  • The vertical spacing between lines of text can be modified with the line-height property.
  • Serif fonts have extra details on the ends of each letter. Sans-Serif fonts do not.
  • Fallback fonts are used when a certain font is not installed on a user’s computer.
  • The word-spacing property changes how far apart individual words are.
  • The letter-spacing property changes how far apart individual letters are.
  • The text-align property changes the horizontal alignment of text.
  • Google Fonts provides free fonts that can be used in an HTML file with the tag or the @font-face property.
  • Local fonts can be added to a document with the @font-face property and the path to the font’s source.