
Spark 💥 COVID-19 🦠 datasets distributed analysis. Uniroma2, SABD 2019/2020, Marco Balletti and Francesco Marino's first project.

Primary LanguageJava

SABD 2019/2020 first project

Authors: Marco Balletti, Francesco Marino

Project structure descritption:


Folder containing CSV files:

  1. query1_output.csv containing the output of the first query,
  2. query2_output.csv containing the output of the second query,
  3. query3_mllib_output.csv containing the output of the third query performed using the mllib k-means implementation,
  4. query3_naive_output.csv containing the output of the third query performed using a naive implementation of the Lloyd k-means algorithm.

Results are updated to 26th of May, 2020 (18:00 UTC+1)


Folder containing benchmark results (under Benchmark directory), project report and project presentation slides.


Folder containing scripts and file for a container based execution of the project architecture.

Further explainations about container execution are in a readme file inside the directory.


this directory contains in its subdirectories Java code for:

  1. moving data from HDFS to Spark,
  2. queries execution,
  3. data export to HDFS,
  4. moving data from HDFS to Hbase,
  5. moving data from HDFS to InfluxDB.

Java Project structure description:

It is recommended to open the entire directory with an IDE for better code navigation. Java project part was developed using JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA.

query1 package

This package contains:

  • Query1Preprocessing.java implementing the data preprocessing for the first query execution with both Spark Core and Spark SQL,
  • Query1Main.java implementing the first query resolution using Spark Core Transformations and Actions,
  • Query1SparkSQL.java implementing the first query resolution using Spark SQL (preprocesing executed using Spark Core Transformations and Actions).

query2 package

This package contains:

  • Query2Preprocessing.java implementing the data preprocessing for the second query execution with both Spark Core and Spark SQL,
  • Query2Main.java implementing the second query resolution using Spark Core Transformations and Actions,
  • Query2SparkSQL.java implementing the second query resolution using Spark SQL (preprocesing executed using Spark Core Transformations and Actions),
  • CountryDataQuery2.java structure used to incapsulate data to pass between Spark Transformations/Actions.

query3 package

This package contains:

  • Query3Main.java implementing the third query resolution (excluding the clustering part) using Spark Core Transformations and Actions,
  • CountryDataQuery3.java structure used to incapsulate data to pass between Transformations/Actions.

utility package

This package contains classes needed for queries execution support, in particular:

  • Boundary.java structure to define polygonal fences representing geographical continents,
  • Continents.java containing mapping of geographical continents and boundary structures,
  • Codes.java enum containing ISO3 country codes each mapped to the corresponding continent,
  • ContinentDecoder.java implementing different logics for continent detection starting from geographical coordinates,
  • ClusteringUtility.java implementing naive and mllib k-means clustering versions,
  • GeoCoordinate.java encapsulating latitude and longitude in a single object,
  • IOUtility.java implementing logic for HDFS communication,
  • QueryUtility.java containing methods for data conversion and dataset translation.

output_and_metrics package

This package contains classes needed for performing banchmark and exporting queries results, in particular:

  • CSVOutputFormatter.java executes queries and export results from HDFS to .csv files inside the Results directory,
  • MultiRunBenchmark.java performs a multi-start for every query execution printing every run execution time.

output_and_metrics.hbase package

This package contains classes needed to export queries results from HDFS to HBase, in particular:

  • HBaseLightClient.java implementing basic methods for datastore interaction,
  • HBaseImport.java implementing methods to get query outputs from HDFS and putting in HBase after format translation.

output_and_metrics.graphics package

This package contains classes needed to export queries result from HDFS to InfluxDB in order to be graphically represented using Grafana, in particular:

  • InfluxDBClient.java implementing basic methods for datastore interaction,
  • InfluxDBImport.java implementing methods to get query outputs from HDFS and putting in InfluxDB after format translation.