Investor Marketplace

Instructions setup and run this Phoenix application

  • git clone
  • cd parallel_markets
  • Make sure you have PostgreSQL running locally and check in config/dev.exs that the db parameters are correct
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server in project root directory

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

The new investor form is at "/". File uploads are stored at uploads directory at the root of this project.

New Investor Creation Application


Database tables

users: has_one investor, has_many uploads

  • first_name
  • last_name
  • dob
  • phone
  • address
  • state
  • zip

investors: belongs_to user

  • user_id

uploads: belongs_to user

  • filename
  • size
  • content_type
  • user_id

Phoenix architecture

The app is called ParallelMarkets and has three contexts

  • Accounts which just has an User schema
  • MarketPlace which has an Investor schema
    • User and Investor have a 1-to-1 relationship. The idea is an Investor is a "type" of User. We put all the attributes that are universal to all users of the system in User and for any attributes that are exclusive to Investors we place there. In this case, it happens that all the required specified attributes seem to belong in User so Investor only has a user_id to relate it to it's User. For example, if we find if we find later that investors need something like an investment account number, that would go in the Investor schema. In this way, we have a specialized schema for each type of user in our system (others could be Partner, Admin, etc.). This makes user related code more expressive, makes authorization easier and helps seperate concerns.
  • Documents which has an Upload schema to store our uploaded file information.

The only controller is investor_controller which has new and create actions to render our new investor form and create one upon submit.

And last is the corresponding investor view and template for the form itself.

The path where uploads are stored on the server is set in config/dev as parallel_markets.uploads_directory


  • All basic functionality works. At localhost:4000, a new investor form is shown where upon you enter investor info and select a file to upload. Upon submission, a success alert is shown, the file is saved to the server's file system and a new form is shown ready to create another investor.
  • Error reporting for empty form fields
  • Increased max upload file size to 20MB

Things I would have like to do/fix if more time

  • I took a shortcut for handling the error alert when the user submits without an upload file. See the comment at MarketPlace#create_investor for details
  • Tests. Very important, but didn't have time.
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Form field validation
  • Implement the frontend with Phoenix LiveView. SPA-like UI with no JavaScript ftw!